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Solei's Pov
Saturday, my day off. I love doing what i do but nothing beats staying home and relaxing. I let out a relieving sigh as i sit down and eat breakfast. I had made some pancakes, eggs and sausage after laying in bed for a few hours.

As i eat my food i scroll on instagram going on the explore page. One post catches my eyes. "The shade room so messy" i say smacking my teeth.

After i got done eating i pop open a book I've been reading. I normally read romance books because i have no love life to be honest. It's not that i cant get a man, I just don't have time for a man. All these lil boys cant commit or I'm the one running the relationship.

It's honestly sickening. Sooo to fix that i read books about it hoping to one day find the love i see in books happen in my life.

Its farfetched though. No guy can probably work with my schedule and secondly who can handle this. Growing up ive always been told "no guy is gonna handle that attitude of yours" and sadly my momma was right. In my defense i dont have a attitude though.

As i lay down watching tv i look at the time. It was 6:30 pm "i need to send that email" i say grabbing my laptop.

I sit the laptop on my lap and get to typing . I had to send Marisol- my co worker- some info from our patients for the week. After 10 minutes i get a call from my best friend Zora.

"Hello" i say

'What are you doing tonight' she says

"Sending emails, reading, watching tv, the usual"

'You're so damn boring Lei!' Zora groans 'your 23 not 47, all you do is work and when your not working your at home doing whatever boringness that is.'

"And your point is.."

"You need to have funnn. Come on my cousin is having her birthday at the hottest club in town tonight. We have to go!"

"Girl bye" i laugh " We aint gotta do a damn thing. But you can go im sure you'll have fun"

"Solei are you serious."

"Dead serious. You know thats not my scene why would i want to be around a bunch of people with hot liquor breath in a hot room pretending like i like them."

"Pleaseee Solei for meee, it'll be fun i promise you wont regret it."

I dont respond.

"We'll get food afterwards"

"Im finna get dressed girl"

Zora lets out a loud laugh causing me to turn my phone down a bit "thats crazy!" She laughs

"Alright im finna get dressed talk you later pooks" i say hanging up.

"You look so cute!" Zora says as i get out the car

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"You look so cute!" Zora says as i get out the car. I had on a tight black leather corset top with black fitted pants hugging my curves being a little looser on my ankles . I had on some gold necklaces and rings fashioned with a nice black and gold small purse. The heels i wore revealed my white painted toes and my feet already hurt.

We had rode in a uber to the club and just looking at the place had me ready to go home already.

"You look cute too" i smile, the smile faded though as i averted my eyes back to the building. It wasnt ugly or anything it actually was quite nice on the outside. The building read club Essence

When we get in we're greeted by music. "So wheres your cousin" i say

"We have a reserved spot follow me" she says in my ear attempting to talk over the music.

I follow and see her cousin and some of her cousin's friends.

They greet each other with hugs and i hug the birthday girl too. "Im so glad you guys made it" Mika, her cousin says.

"I practically begged her to come"

Sensing i was a bit uncomfortable Mika rubs my arm. "You know what would help.. SHOTTSSS"

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