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Previously: Sensing i was a bit uncomfortable Mika rubs my arm. "You know what would help.. SHOTTSSS"

I side eye her as everyone else in the group erupts in cheer. Who's the shots helping.. i thought to myself. As everyone heads to the bar i sit down scanning the room.

Zora realizing im not there finds me and pulls me to the bar as well.

"A shot of Don Julio" Zora orders.

"Im not drinking it"

"Girl drink it!" She says with the shot glass in her hand.

After much pleading i got tired of hearing her ask. "Fine" i say taking the shot to the head.

Zora shakes me "lets go dance!" We go to the dance floor and dance every worry on my mind was gone at this time. More shots were given to me, unknowingly i drunk them.

"There we go Solei"

As we continue dancing i feel some hands on my waist, not caring who's behind me i move my body and continue to dance.

Heavy inhales and exhales came from my body so i went to take a seat next to one of Mika's friends.

"Its so hot in here" i say

"Right, how many drinks you had" he says

i shrug and smile. "Thats a great question"

After a hour or two Mika and her friends had left leaving me and Zora but not to long after Zora ended up having a guys tongue down her throat. I look disgustingly at her using the little piece of my brain that hadnt been tainted with liquor.

She sees me and breaks the kiss, if you can even call it that. "Hey i think im gonna leave with him tonight. Let me know when you make it home."

"Wait Zora you cant, you brought me here."

" Solei look how fine he is. Your grown you'll be ok"

I groan and look down and by time i look up she's already gone out the door. Pissed wasn't even the word. As i struggle to get to the bathroom i finally make it. Weird how the bathroom is down stairs..

As i struggle to walk because of the mixture of alcohol and the heels i bump into a strong muscular figure. "Im so sorry" i say backing up a little.

"Solei what are you doing here?" I hear a familiar deep Italian accent.

"Hey, y- your Don right" this liquor really got me trippin i say to myself. "I was looking for the bathroom"

"Well its not down here" his tone a bit rude.

I scrunch my eyebrows "anyways can you help me find the bathroom" i say rolling my eyes.

He lets out a sigh "come on"

He seemed different from before, his attitude getting on my nerves the more i was around him. He walks me back upstairs. "Here"

"Thank you"

"Mhm" he says looking a bit frustrated at something.

I go to the bathroom and check my phone. "No" i say exhaustingly. My phone wasn't turning on it was dead. "How am i gonna get home. When i finish in the bathroom i walk out only to find him standing on the side.

" You know you didn't have to wait for me" i say with an attitude aggravated by my now dead phone and the fact my friend really left me.

"Im taking you home"

"Excuse me" i say raising a brow.

"Im taking you home"

"No i heard you the first time" i say walking away "why" ironically enough i began to fall but was caught.

"This is why." He says as if i just proved his exact point " you shouldn't be driving drunk"

"Why do you care so much i don't even know you for real"

"Don't be difficult"

Before i knew it i was in his car staring out the window. We made intense eye contact through his review mirror but not too long after a wave of sleepiness washed over me and the only thing i saw was darkness.

Don's Pov.

As i drove and looked again in the review she had her head back on the seat and was sound asleep.

"Damn" i say to myself "how am i gonna take her home and i don't know where home is." So instead i drive her to my penthouse.

After carrying her bridal style to my place i sit her in the guest bed room. I take her heels off and sit them on the side of the bed on the floor. I go to my room and find the smallest pair of joggers i own and a plain black shirt.

I remove her pants almost looking away, the last thing i want is for her to think im some creep. I replace them with my joggers and do the same with her shirt being as gentle as i could possible be.

When i finish i pull the covers over her and she snuggles up in them.

Though she was sleep I looked at the beauty of her face, quickly pushing the thought away knowing we couldn't be together.

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