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"There we go, thats good, keep it up" Solei says seeing the head of the baby.

The woman continues pushing, releasing painful screams. The support of the staff and her husband filling the room, "almost there, almost there" Solei says holding most of the baby in her hands.

With one last harsh push the baby is fully out. The mother pants with beads of sweat dripping down her face. "We need to eliminate any impediments" solei says stern but calmly.

The patient looks confused, "why is isnt my baby crying?"

Don lets off a round from his gun and punches another ground to the floor. Once he lands Don shoots him.

"Damn bro, ruthless as hell" Naseem says shooting somebody.

"Like you're one to talk" Don laughs.

"But your worst man" Naseem says. "You got like thousands of people's blood on your hands from like here to Italy." He jokes.

But Don stands there pondering, feeling more of the seriousness of his friend's comment more than he intended. He looked to the ground as  the lives he just took laid there: breathless. In the side of a mans jacket he see's a small paper, but when he bent down to pick it up it was a photo.

Not just an ordinary one but one with a father holding his son with a little league baseball outfit on. He looked at the lifeless' man face seeing it was his in the picture.

Don's heart fell to the bottom of his feet and his other hand gripped his mouth. He'd realized what he had just done.

He took a father away from his child...he was a monster.

He seen Naseem hadn't noticed his bleakness  so he cleared his throat and looked at how the hall split in two. "Look for Zono, you go left i'll go to the right. If you see him DO NOT act" Don says sternly.

"Do not act" Naseem mocks. "Alright bro"

Don ignores him as Naseem goes to the left, he clutches the picture and turns it around.
It had writing saying 'my 2 worlds, i love you both- Jane'.

He felt more guilty— remorse, for what he had done. He felt compelled to reach in the guys pocket for a wallet, he found one, dark brown. A little torn here and there but holding together.

He opened it "Noah Walker" Don reads out loud, he scanned the blue eyed man's picture and worked his eyes until he found an address. He takes a picture of it and closed the wallet placing it where he found it but making sure he kept the picture.

He does a cross motion with his hands starting with his head, then to his left and right shoulder, to his heart, next to his lips and lastly upwards toward the sky. "Che Dio riposi la tua anima" ( May God rest your soul). He says lowly and places the picture in his pocket .

As time passed he tried to use his gun less trying more to leave them unconscious rather than kill them. But when he had to he did kill, and it was like one more body to add to the uncountable list. A couple more minutes passed, his opaque eyes growing dimmer and dimmer.

He hears a faint whistle from the direction Naseem was in, it wasn't just an ordinary whistle though, but it was one that meant something went down. "Dammit" he says running in that direction trying to quickly get there. He maneuvers his way through the halls knowing that it would be impossible not to use his gun.

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