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Next day.
Solei walked through her apartment door, slung her bag on the sofa; and let out huge sigh at the thought of her "date night" and time at work. All she wanted to do was relax and get her mind off the issue, but she needed to talk to someone: someone who would understand.

Her phone was still with Don and she refused to go get it so she's been using her old phone for the meantime. She pulled it out and plopped on the edge of her bed. She texted the only person she thought would understand her: Taylor.

Seeing that she just got off and it was 6am she asked Taylor to meet her at her place at 3pm. To her surprise Taylor was up and responded pretty quickly.

"Hey Solei." Taylor says coming in with a hug.

"Hey Taylor, im glad you came" Solei says returning the hug and closing the door.

Solei walked her to the sofa, "So wassup, I read your text and was a bit worried."

She sighs before answering, "Whats not up. So... you and Naseem been together for a while right." It didn't take long for Solei to figure out if Don was in that world so was Naseem.

"Mhm?" Taylor says trying to figure out where Solei was going with this.

"That means you know what he does right? Like his line of work..."

Taylor read her silence,  "Oh... you're just finding out..."

"Yea, and honestly I dont know what to do," She says, her head faltering "The other night he told me if I cant love him as the killer he is, then he guess thats it. I asked was he breaking up with me and he said no, but how else am i supposed to take that?"

"Aw Solei" Taylor says embracing her.

Solei slowly felt herself breaking down. She's never cried this much; she's always been told be strong; never put your guard down, and it's as if Don has been breaking each wall getting closer and closer to her tender heart. "Girl." Taylor says pulling her away so now she's looking into her teary eyes, "Let me tell you something I'm certain of, Gio loves you. When I say he loves you girl, i mean it. He deeply cares about you Lei, more than anything else."

Solei sniffs, "I know but... tell me Taylor; how did you continue to be with Naseem after figuring out what he does. They kill for goodness sake, and more I don't even know about. How am I supposed to bypass that? How am I supposed to be okay with that?"

"I'll tell you the truth. You wont ever really be okay with what he does, and i know it sucks, but it is what it is. It's lowkey just one big risk for love. Maybe your love can overcome this, and as much as I want to say you can change him; I'll be the first to tell you, you cant change anyone."

"But you know what probably hurt the most; he said this wasn't his choice... He said he didn't choose this."

"Yea Gio has a past; well more like he's continuing to live it. I'll leave that for him to tell you; I only know surface information anyways."

"I figured, I just wish i could help him; relieve him of his pain you know" Solei says vulnerably.

"Love him then. Be that light in his life; be the person he can cling to: because he needs you. You're probably the only thing keeping him human."

Solei pondered on Taylor's words, "How can I be that light in his life when we're both struggling: just in different ways..."

"Like I said, just love him,  so much change can come just from that."

Solei sat there in deep thought again, 'Taylor's right' She said to herself. "Thanks Tay for talking this out with me; you helped alot."

"Girl no problem i wish I had someone to talk to when I was going through something similar with Naseem, so I will be here for you."

"Same. If you ever need something don't hesitate to reach out."

"Thanks girl." She responds. "Not gon' lie perfect timing; since you're in a bit of a funk I want you to come to this kick back."

Solei gave her an unsure look. Last kick back / party, whatever you wanna call it event she went to with a friend she got ditched. "Ehh i dont know." But that is how she met Don.

"Lei it'll be fun. It's nothing crazy: we'll be playing games, listening to music; stuff like that."

Solei sat there thinking to herself, 'why not'. "Okay fine" she smiles. Taylor rejoices at her answer, "When even is it?"

"Friday." Taylor says checking her phone, "so in 3 more days." She smiles.

Solei sat in the passenger seat as Taylor parked her car in front of the townhomes. "This will be fun girl; stop looking so worried."

"Im not worried its just... ugh I am worried."

"Don't be. It'll all be fine we're here to have fun."

"You right." I say looking in the cars mirror. We both got out the car and were met with a light breeze: it was 8:30, I kinda regretted not bringing a jacket. We walked to the door and ranged the door bell until someone came to open it. When the door opened it revealed a tall man with dark skin. He had waves, and a goatee with an almost athletic build I could see from the White T he was wearing.

"Woahh Taylor I didnt know yo friend was gon' be this ba-" He says in a low and thick New York accent, but was cut off by a brown haired girl hitting him in his side. "Stop harassing our guest." She says. My focus shifts to her; she had pale skin with brown hair, and both sides of her nose were pierced and her septum pierced to complete it.

"Sorry about him." Taylor says. "He a bit throwed off."

I laughed lightly and the brown haired girl welcomes us in. I dont miss the way the male eyes me as I walked past. I could feel his gaze looming all over. It's not as if i was wearing something crazy either: I had on a white crop top with washed jeans and white tennis; but I guess anything sets guys off.

We walked in and made our way to the huge lounge sofa. Taylor started introducing me to everybody. So far it seemed like everyone was nice. The male from earlier with the thick New York accent— who i learned name was Bruce, was extremely nice: well really flirty.
An hour or so had passed and he tried striking up conversations with me every time Taylor left to do something.

"You not from here are you?" He says with a light laugh and licking his bottom lip.

I nervously laughed; more like uncomfortably laughed at his words. If im being honest Don is probably the only guy i feel 100% comfortable with. As if the thought of his name alone summoned him; to my surprise he comes walking through the door behind Naseem.

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