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3rd Pov.
Following Don's instructions led them to the back of the club and Solei was not pleased with such, "So when are you gonna tell me why the club of all places."

"Not right now"

"Well then im not gonna go in; they can shoot me down for all i care" Solei says obviously bluffing on the last part.

"Solei." Don says his eyes colder than usual, "I will drag you in there myself if I have to, and i mean that unlike your petty statement."

"Boy please." Solei says rolling her eyes.

Don gets out the car and goes to the driver seat to open her door. At first he just stood there; so intensely she thought about getting up but refused. "Solei Noxx, get out of the car."

Solei immediately cocks her head back at being called by her full name, causing Don to pinch the bridge of his nose. He looks at her longer: eyes piercing into her dark brown ones. She reluctantly gets out making sure to slam the car door. Here she was. Walking barefoot in her dress she picked out just for today, being chased by some weirdos. She didn't know what was worse: being shot at and followed, or how calm Don was about it. The only hint of frustration he's shown through the whole thing was directed towards her and her defiance.

"Follow me." Don says leading her down a series of halls and punching in codes she stared at confusingly. They made it into the office room, passing up two guards. "Dont touch anything, and don't leave this room." He says pointing.

"I didnt know you became my dad." Solei says sarcastically.

"Please." He adds, softening up a bit "and I love you" he says quickly putting a kiss on her lips; as upset as she was; the words 'I love you too' still left her lips. She's witnessed plenty of times how people can be here and then gone, so she wasn't going to let something like this get in the way of saying i love you.

He leaves the room satisfied with her responds. "No one gets in or out besides me" Don says to the guards outside of the door then leaves to go back to the back. He was going to have to get his hands dirty tonight of all nights— his date night.

Solei sat in the rolling chair fiddling with her manicured fingers letting out a sigh. The room was quiet besides the music you could hear from the club. She clutched her arms feeling her hair stand up due to the cold. "Cant believe this..." She says putting her elbow on the desk resting her head on her palm.

She now found herself bored so she instinctively reached for her phone. She groans realizing it's in her purse which is in Don's car, 'I hope he's okay.' Solei says to herself. She at least wanted to know the time; and since a computer was in front of her she clicked the mouse, but to her surprise a series of cameras popped up: different rooms filled the screen. She clicked the first one on the top left: it was the club— she could see people dancing; there was even a few couples swallowing each other whole. She didnt linger there too long for the simple fact it disgusted her.

She clicks the screen which leads her to the next camera— still the club. This time it was positioned by the bar; she clicked the screen as people were getting sloppy drunk. She boringly clicked passed a few more, but her eyes got big when she saw what popped up: a room full of guns, knives; anything you could kill with filled the room: guns almost as big as her. "What the...?" She says her sentence trailing off as she scans the computer screen.

She clicks it and this camera just showed the hall; a few more did but she stopped seeing an empty room; it wasn't completely empty but empty nevertheless: it had one chair sitting in the middle and a few other miscellaneous items. Blood stained the floors of the room; she could tell the blood had been wiped but never completely gone. Her hand covers her mouth as she continues, and the camera she's now watching is the back one showing outside.

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