7 Minutes in Heaven

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It was January 24. You guessed it. Dean's birthday. His parents gave him the whole house to himself and he intended on using that time wisely. He invited half of the school, pretty much.

Music was blaring and if he said there wasn't alcohol he would be lying. Yes his mother left alcohol.

"Dean! Let's play seven minutes of heaven." Meg smiles.

"Sure." Dean laughed. Everyone got in a circle.

"Dean goes first since it's his birthday." Cas takes his seat next to Dean sitting closer than he normally would if they were still just friends.

Dean reached out and spun the bottle. Castiel watched it turn, praying it would land on him, but like always, Castiel didn't get what he wanted. The bottle stopped on a girl named Cassie. Cas' stomach churned at the thought of Dean and her. Cassie was Dean's firs kiss. Cas will never forget how Dean came home all happy and giddy about it.

Everybody ooh'ed as Cassie got up and grabbed Dean by the hand, leading him into the kitchen.

The longest 7 minutes of Castiels life passed until Cassie and Dean finally emerged.

"Castiels turn!" Charlie winked and gave him a thumbs up. Castiel tilted his head but spun the bottle anyway. As it was spinning Charlie reached forward and stopped it on Dean.

"That doesn't count." One of the cheer-leaders glared.

"Counts for me." Castiel replied and dragged Dean into the kitchen.

"Cas, I didn't do anything with Cassie. We just talked I swear." He smiles sympathetically.

"I wasn't jealous." Cas crossed his arms.

"Castiel your whole body tensed when she touched me. I know you." He grabbed Cas' arm gently and pulled him close to him.

Castiel smiled. He always thought Dean was loyal but now he knew.

Dean leaned in. The kiss started out soft and sweet but within minutes they were both making out. Castiel was pressed against the kitchen counter, cold tile against his back because of Deans traveling hands pulling his shirt up.

The timer behind then went off and they both jumped.

Dean looked in the reflection of the microwave, fixing his hair back to it's original do. Castiel didn't have to bother doing so since he always had sex hair no matter what.

They both walked out, after their heart rates calmed down, like nothing happened. Charlie gave Cas a questioning look and Castiel just smirked and blinked. It was how they gave each other yes or no answers without speaking. One blink for yes and two blinks for no.

The rest of the night played out with seven minutes in heaven and presents. Castiel didn't get Dean anything so he just came up with "You will get it when everybody leaves" and Dean seemed pretty happy about it.


"Bye. Thanks for coming. Take care now. Go die in a whole. Were you here the whole time? How drunk are you?" All these things were said as guests were walking out the door.

Finally everybody left and Dean walked into the living room, staring to pick up trash people left around.

Castiel walked up slowly and played with the collar of Deans shirt when he stood up.

"So, when will your parents be home?" He brought his eyes up to Deans and gave him an innocent look.

"Sunday." He replied shortly.

"Oh. If I remember correctly, today is Friday." Castiel drew closer. Their lips were just about to meet when Castiel dropped his hands and stepped away. "I wonder what I'm gonna do this weekend."

"Caaass" Dean whined. "Stop playing games. You always do that. It's annoying." Castiel couldn't help but giggle at how pitiful Dean sounded.

"Alright, alright." Castiel complied stepping close again and this time kissing him for real.

Cas' tongue flicked over Deans bottom lip and he happily complied, humming into the kiss. Just as Dean slipped a hand under Cas shirt they were interrupted.

"I KNEW IT!" Sam.

"You friggin cock-block!" Dean groaned, annoyed.

"MOM! DAD! WE WERE RIGHT! THEY ARE AN ITEM! FINALLY!" Sam continued. John and Mary ran in, more like hopped, and both squealed.

"We thought Dean would never admit his feelings! Welcome to the family Castiel! After a year of him crushing on you he finally got the balls to do something about it!" John shook Castiels hand. Cas smiled then it faded and his eyes dulled.

Castiel turned abruptly to Dean.

"A YEAR?! The year you ignored me and pretended I didn't exist?! I thought I did something wrong! I thought...I thought you hated me." Cas whispered the last part.

"Thanks guys, I appreciate it." Dean said sarcastically to his family.

Mary, John, and Sam all backed out of the house.

"Cas, I was figuring myself out. I was trying to get over you. It killed me to do that to you."

"Remember that day I came to school with a black eye and told everybody it was baseball?" Castiel stared at the ground.

"I remember. Why?" Deans heartbeat quickened. He feared the next answer.

"It was Crowley. He knew you weren't talking to me anymore so you were no longer a problem for him. Everyday they would push me, call me names, sometimes they would kick me. It got so bad I missed school for a week Dean! I told everybody I was on vacation when I was really afraid to go outside. I was in hell Dean. You left me. I thought I deserved it." They were both in tears.

"Cas you could have come to me." Dean whispered.

"I tried! I came to you every day for two months pleading you!" He was close to screaming. "Please, Dean just tell me what I did, Please Dean I need your help!" He copied the words that He had said to Dean two years ago.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry, Cas. You have to forgive me." Tears were running down Deans face. Dean never cried, so it was weird for Castiel to see him this way but he didn't care. Dean was the reason Castiel was broken.

"That's not the worst part." Castiel whispered staring down at his hands. Dean stood there in silence.

Castiel pulled up his left sleeve and stepped closer to Dean.

Small light scars lined his wrists. Dean grabbed Cas' arm and pulled him closer.

"Why didn't you ever tell me this Cas? Before now." Dean sobbed.

"You were the reason. I have to go." Castiel grabbed his jacket, wiping tears from his face.

"Cas, wait. Please. Don't do this." Dean gripped Cas' hand in his. "I need you."

"I'm sorry." Castiel pulled away and walked out of the door.


(Hey. I have a plan k? It's gonna be great!)

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