Truth or Dare

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*Five Years Later* Dean and Cas are 15 now.*

Dean ran after Benny down the halls. 

"You Ass! Give it back!" Dean shouted laughing. Moments before Benny had taken his book-sack and started running. 

Dean charged on but collided with someone. 

"Woah sorry! I didn't mean to." A familiar voice squeaked. He looked up and their faces were oddly close. Dean's eyes were met with bright blue ones. "Oh...hello Dean." Castiel smiled.

"Hey, Cas." Dean didn't move and neither did Cas. They stood there staring at each other. 

"Oh my gosh would you guys just kiss already?" Charlie's voice rang behind Dean an before he could say anything, he was shoved into Cas. Dean gasped and kept his head as far away from Cas as possible...even thought he thought kissing Cas isn't the worst thing in the world, he knew Cas wouldn't like it at all. 

"Charlie! Cas and I are just best friends. guys are still coming to my birthday party right?" Dean looked at them questionably. 

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Cas touched Deans arm slightly then walked away. 

"I'm telling you, Dean, he has a huge crush on you. It's obvious." Charlie walked away as well and Dean just sighed kicking the lockers. 

For a year Dean had the biggest crush on Castiel. Dean loved everything Cas did. He loved the way his hands were always warm. The way he smiled when he blushed. When he was drawing, the way his lip would curl in concentration. Most of all Dean loved how caring he was. When Dean was about go down a dark path and do everything wrong and he just felt like giving up...Cas was there and he never left. 

Dean walked down the hallway slowly picking his book-sack out of the trash and brushing it off. It was going to be a long day. 


Dean got off the bus in silence with Cas behind him. 

"Dean?" Cas called. 

"Yeah?" Dean turned around and almost fell to the ground as he was hit with impact. Cas' arms were wrapped around his middle and his head was hidden in Deans shoulder. Dean wrapped his arms around Cas' shoulders, then pulled away confused by the action. 

"Are you alright? You were quiet today." Cas pointed out, starting to walk with Dean to his house. 

"I have been thinking." Dean said.

"That's not good." Castiel laughed.

"I'm serious, Bee...How did you tell your mom you" Dean asked. Castiel stopped in his tracks an stared at Dean in disbelief. "Oh no...why didn't I ask Michael?! Why God why?!" 

"Dean stop. Are you having doubts about your sexuality?" Cas stares wide eyed. 

"No. Yes. I don't know! How do I know for sure?" Dean spun around hands on his head. 

"Who is he? He is obviously close to you. You like somebody." Castiel smirks suspiciously.

"He's nobody." Dean deflected. 

"He can't be nobody. Come on...just give me details!" Castiel squealed like a little girl. 

"He's...he's perfect...he can sing, he can draw, and he is caring. His laugh makes my day. When he smiles it's contagious. His eyes are so distracting I can't look at anything else when he's around. He's different and awkward. A little crazy, but that's why I lo-" Dean stopped. "I like him." 

"No. What have you done with Dean?! He would never say something so...chick-flicky." Cas starts backing away. 

"Never mind. How do I know if I'm bi or not?" 

"You could...kiss a guy? It would have to be someone who would kiss back though. Like a gay guy, that yours friends with, and has a crush on you." Cas smiles. 

"What are you getting at?" Dean raises an eyebrow. 

It's now or never. Castiel thought to himself. Castiel took Dean by the hand and pulled him close but stopped an inch away. Cas' eyes flickered from Deans eyes to his lips. Surprisingly, Dean didn't pull away. Instead, he moved closer, tilting his head slightly. Their lips met and fireworks went off. Castiel snaked his arms around Dean's neck. Dean kept a hand resting on Cas hip but the other on the back of his neck. Cas pulled away abruptly. 

"I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me!" Castiel paled. Dean's eyes saddened as if he we hurt by Cas' apology. "If your mad at me I get it." 

"Cas, I liked it. It's okay. I'm not mad at you. I could never be mad at you." Dean took a step closer to Cas again. 

Castiel sat there puzzling the thought. 

"Dean, what does this mean?" Cas questioned. 

"I don't know. I like you a lot." Dean admitted looking at the ground. Cas just nodded. 

"I like you too." Cas smiled. 

"I'm not sure I'm ready to tell anybody though." Dean looked at Castiel worry in his eyes. "That's not a problem right?" 

"Of course not." Cas smiled. They stood there in a comfortable silence until they were interrupted. 

"Castiel!" Cas' mother shouted. 

"Coming!" He called back. "See you later, Dean." 


This was a crappy chapter. Not even gon lie but now I can get down to plot and fluff yay!

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