Inextricable (Lawlu)

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Law look at the young boy in front of him, he reeks of pheromones. Why does an omega in heat carelessly roaming the street?

Law's following his friends, watching them from behind while they all laughing from the joy brought by skateboarding on the side walk. Occasionally making jokes and talking at him.

Getting home from wasting their day playing around the town. It was Friday afternoon, and Penguin was the one to propose this idea which he should have invested with his room, though he did enjoy the day out.

"What do you think?"

"Nah, I don't think so."

"I'm for sure he's an alpha."

"His physiques says the opposite."

"Com'mon, bro. Since when did you judge someone's second gender with their appearance?"

Law arch his brow as he saw them stopping in front of him, talking about appearance and genders. They are looking at the direction of the neighborhood playground and when Law followed to look, he was dumbfounded as a kid? beat some grown ass men. The boy twist around and Law thought he's going to kick the last man standing on the neck or somewhere but he was wrong, a nice clean punch connected with the man's face sending him flying over the seesaw.

His friends suddenly burst cheering over the victory of the boy and Law saw how the boy turn his face to them, eyes followed suit. He got intimidated for a while but it got immediately replaced by a found curiosity when the boy gave them a wide grin, raising his fist up claiming the victory.

Law couldn't stop his friends from taking their skateboards and run to the boy. He followed them with no other choice, his hands inside his pockets and looking uninterested with the situation. Though deep inside, so amaze at how the small looking boy able to fight those goons and win at that.

"Yo! You beat 'em up good!" Shachi praises.

The boy chuckled and walk towards the swing, picking a...strawhat? "They deserved it."

"What did they do? We should call the authority," Law interrupted. The boy's face was being blocked by the hat he's wearing making it hard for Law to read his expression.

He was two meters away from the the strawhat boy, thinking he wasn't heard from that distance and so he decided walking close but not close enough to see the boy's face from his strawhat.

But what Law did not expect was the smell of something sweet in the air. It was coming straight from the boy in front of him, and for a second it had him confused. The smell was faint but strong enough to penetrate against the strong sense of his alpha smell.

Law look at the young boy in front of him, he reeks of pheromones. Why does an omega in heat carelessly roaming the street?

"Are you in—"

"LUFFY!!!!" A longnose guy came running straight to the strawhat boy, grabbing the latter on his arms. The newcomer was panting and frighteningly look around, scanning every person in the area before talking again. "I brought them, I called for help. B-b-but I didn't know you've attracted a bunch of them again!"

As if on cue a green hair guy and a blonde with a weird eyebrow came into the scene, walking as if they own the moment and exhilarating such aura that had his friends stepping aback.

The blonde one whistled, "Looks like we're not needed at all."

"Watch your mouth, twirls. They might be the opponent," the green haired growled, looking at them with hostility.

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