Chapter 4

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When I got home I told Rea and Diego about what I have done,accepting the case and becoming Zano's doctor. They didn't even seem shocked I guess they suspected it. I told them about the surgery which I'm nervous about and about the family and their reactions to me. Although Rea is a General Practitioner she offered to help me in any way that she can in preparation for the surgery.
"Im not exactly worried about what I'm going to do,I have performed far more complicated surgeries but I'm worried about my emotions" I say looking down to the cup of Rooibos tea in my hand.
"It won't be easy that's for sure" Rea sighs sitting back on the couch.
"Puffetta one thing I know about you is that you always rise to the challenge,if there is one thing you are going to do is bring back Zano to life and prove to those doctors that you can save a person even though they are personally attached to you" Diego says pulling me into his arms.
I nod my head and sigh. It's not like I have any other choice,Zano also doesn't have any other choice. All hopes are on me.
"Get some rest,it's been a long day. I put the boys in your bed I thought maybe you would want to be with them when you came back" Rea says.
I give her the most genuine smile I can master. She is such an angel,a best friend like her comes once in a lifetime.
"Thank you so much. Goodnight" I say kissing both their cheeks and heading upstairs to my room.

When I get up,the sun is kissing the sky good morning. I look at the boys and they are tangled up on me. I let out a little chuckle before I untangle myself from them and kiss both their foreheads before I go shower.

When I come out of the bathroom already dressed in my black pencil skirt,a white blouse and my gladiator sandals. I find Lwandile sitting up on the bed rubbing sleep out of his eyes,my heart can't help but smile. He is forcing himself to be awake so that he can see me before I leave for work. This is what they always do.
"Morning baby" I say picking him up in my arms.
"Morning mommy" he says sleepily laying his head on my shoulder.
"I want you and your brother to be good to uncle okay? Mommy is going to work now,I will be back later what should I bring you boys?" I ask as he drags his sleepy face from my shoulder so that he looks at me.
"Pizza" he says.
I smile at him.
"Only if you are good" I say.
"I promise we will be good mommy" he says.
"That's my boy. Now sleep" I say tugging him back into bed with his brother,I kiss his forehead and sit on the bed for a short while until he falls asleep.
I look in the mirror and tie up my hair in a bun. When I left I had chopped off all of my hair but now it's long just like before maybe that's why they were shocked. I laugh at myself. Who am I kidding these people are shocked by my very presence in their lives.

"Morning chomi here is a cup of coffee with milk and lots of sugar" Rea says winking at me.
"Thank you lifesaver" I say taking a sip.
"Aren't you going to work?" I ask because she is still in her pyjamas.
"At 08:30" she says.
Checking my wristwatch it says it's seven o'clock.
"Here I think this might help" she says giving me a bunch of papers.
I look at them,it seems like a memoire written by some doctor. Named Being My Wife's Doctor. I look at Rea and immediately hug her. I don't know how late she stayed up to find this but I'm so grateful.
"I love you" I say to her.
"Oh I mean why wouldn't you,all the Rossos love me" she says throwing her thirty two inch blonde weave over her shoulder.
I can't help but laugh as I wash my cup and put it on the sink. I hug her goodbye and get in to my awaiting ride. I start reading the memoire.

When I get to the hospital I check on Zano and then go tell Dr Naidoo about scheduling the surgery. I take all of my big books and go back to being a student again as I pour over all the knowledge that I will need that might have slipped out of my mind from school. Luckily I don't have other patients just Zano and I asked Dr Naidoo to check on Zano for today as I prepare myself.

"Hey he is here" Siphephelo says knocking and  peeking his head into my office. I first look at him questioningly until it registers with my brain that he is talking about Cele.It's past four o'clock  right now and most of the staff has knocked off or on lunch except a few doctors. I bribed the nurse on this part to keep quiet with a pair of Louis Vuitton handbags.

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