Chapter 10

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It's been two weeks since Zano went home. The boys are not fussy at all because he video calls them at least two times a day,I don't even bother appearing during the calls.
I moved in to my house and I cried the first time I entered. Everything was exactly how I left it,the pictures on the wall,the furniture and the colour schemes. One thing that changed though is that there was a large picture of Zano on his knee the time he asked me to marry him but now there are three large photos,the one I mentioned,one of our white wedding and one of our traditional wedding pictures. I think that's the reason that I cried so much,we had our own problems back then but once we were around each other it was like the entire world didn't matter. I also added pictures of the boys on the wall,how it was just me and him five years ago and now there are two boys added is a blessing.
I got the boys enrolled in a local private school for their first grade next year,it's only a ten minute drive and because the hospital I was thinking of working at is too far I had to change and apply at a closer one, luckily it's just a twenty minute drive and they accepted me happily. Anyway I don't think I could ever go back to that hospital after all the drama I caused. I went to the modeling agency's offices here in Johannesburg because they are all over the world and we got everything sorted,I had to do a new portfolio though and now we are set. I have been to the boutique and again when I entered I felt like crying,it brought back so many memories. Nolu showed me pictures of the designs I left halfway through and she thinks I should finish them,it would be great for the boutique.

"She is cooking" Lwandile says to the phone.
"Mommy,daddy wants to talk to you" Lwandle says.
I put down the knife I was using to chop the spinach on the board and wash my hands. I dry them and take the phone from him. They run back to the lounge,back to watching their cartoons.
"Afternoon Dr Zulu how are you?" He greets with a smile.
He looks much better,he looks like the Zano I know or at least I used to know.
I laugh at the greeting.
"Please you are making it sound like I'm at work. I'm alright and yourself?" I ask.
I set up the phone on the island balancing it up by a spice container. Then I resume what I was doing.
"I never thought I would see you in that kitchen" he says.
I look at him and there is sadness on his face.
"I saw what you did in the foyer,I love it" I say.
He nods his head.
"If I knew I would have added one of your pregnant pictures" he says.
"No no sir. Those pictures shouldn't be hanging around like that,if you want them you can have them but no hanging them up" I say and I laugh.
"I would love to have them" he says.
I look at him and he means it.
"You know they are not the ones on the media? Those ones are fake,it was just to show people that I'm now a mother so they don't get surprised when I rock up with two boys. My pregnancy pictures were taken by my grandmother by the pool at home" I say laughing.
"Even more reason why I want them" he says.
"Okay Mr Zulu I will send them" I say as I wash the spinach again and put it in a pot. I move away from the phone so that I can put it on the stove with a bit of water.
"So what's the reason you wanted to talk to me?" I ask as my face appears on the little block again.
"Why do you make it sound like that?" He asks.
"Because it is like that. You have been calling the boys the past two weeks without even mentioning me but today all of a sudden,come spill the beans" I say.
He laughs.
"I have always told you to leave medicine and be a detective" he says laughing.
I love his laugh,there is nothing that puts a smile on my face like when he laughs.
"Okay... You got me. We have already planned the welcoming ceremony for the boys and you need to come this side" he says,he looks hesitant.
"I don't know Zano... Can't I book into a hotel instead of staying at the royal house?" I ask.
"No. If it's Dudu you are worried about then I will ask her to visit her mother for the duration you are here" he says.
"No that's not the reason,that's her home don't ask her to leave... It's because I feel like a stranger,there is nothing between me and you and I don't know I just don't want to be there acting" I say.
He looks hurt but quickly covers it up.
"You are the mother of my children Zenande that will never change and that makes you a part of this family not me" he says.
I look at him and he means it.
I sigh.
"Okay... When do we have to be there?" I ask.
"Next week and baba wants you to spend the holidays with us" he says.
He is very excited I can tell,this is going to be his first Christmas with the boys.
"Okay I will do the photoshoots I had during that week,this week then and luckily I'm going to work in January so it's okay" I say.
This means I will be stuck in KwaZulu for an entire month.
"Thank you very much" he says.
"No need to thank me baba kaLwandle"(... Lwandle's dad) I say.
A huge smile appears on his face,oh Lord me and my big mouth.
"I think you should call me like that more often,it does something to me" he says and I laugh.
I hear Dudu's voice and I hang up the call.
Why are you acting like his mistress? I ask myself. Maybe it's because I don't want to complicate his marriage. I go about my cooking and by the time I am done it's already dinner time. Me and the boys eat. I bath them and tuck them into bed. Then I go back downstairs to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. Ever since I had the boys,I never really see the need of having friends,I find happiness in just being with them or by myself. And anyway it's never wise for a Mafia King's daughter to have many friends,we have to keep our distance. I remember the time my dad told me about the illegal operations of the family,I didn't speak to him or any family member for two straight weeks. But then I realised that we don't choose our family so I decided to learn more even though my dad told me straight up that he doesn't want me involved. I learnt that my family runs the biggest weapons operation and they have the entire Europe. I also found out that the Zulus have the biggest smuggling operation,they don't smuggle drugs though only minerals well not anymore. They have the entire Africa and Asia. I found out that in the underworld those were the kings and by some miracle they were joined because of me and Zano. Dad insisted that I learn how to fight because any harm can come why way. I am his daughter and I'm also Zano's wife so anything can happen their enemies might see it fit to use me to get to them. I learnt how to handle guns in all shapes and sizes. I learnt about my father's enemies and in the process he encouraged me to learn about my husband's enemies as well. So I basically know a lot more about their business than they can ever tell me. And at the end of the day that's why I decided to keep to myself. I switch off the lights and activate the alarm then I go to my room,I take a shower and put on my pyjamas. If you told me five years back that I would accept what I know now so gracefully and not be paranoid for the rest of my life then I would have laughed at you but here I am today. But it also shows that I'm not the twenty one year old that I was when I got thrust into this world. I am now a mother and a wife,I know where my loyalties lie and I know my main duty is to protect my family. I get into bed and sleep peacefully.

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