Chapter 22

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The next morning I'm up bright and early. I take a shower and get dressed.
I put on a black long sleeve t-shirt,a long denim skirt and a blue and white Tswana shawl with a matching doek that covers my head. Today I decide to wear my Converse sneakers.

Luckily nobody is in the kitchen so I start on making breakfast. Some of the family members are leaving today meaning no more cooking like this is a restaurant.
"Morning " Anele greets me.
"Morning. How are you?" I greet back.
We speak for a while about yesterday and laugh here and there and then she goes back upstairs to get ready. Gogo comes with her group of kids as I finish setting up the table. I dish up for the kids and sit in the kitchen to eat. The adults are already in the dining room,eating. Zano walks down the stairs as I'm about to go to Baba's room.
"Can you please take this to Baba for me?" I ask him giving him the covered tray of food.
I was thinking he was going to give me attitude like last night but he doesn't.
"He is not down already?" He asks surprised.
"He was struggling to sleep so I gave him some meds" i say.
He nods and takes the tray. Since there is no space in the dining room,me and Nokuzotha join the kids in the kitchen.
"Have you realised that Themba doesn't eat a lot? He just plays with his food" Nokuzotha asks.
"Maybe he doesn't like bread" i say.
"Themba my baby do you want some porridge?" I ask him.
He nods his head enthusiastically.
"What should I put in it?" I ask.
"Milk" he says.
I nod my head and get up from the chair.
"Mommy I also want porridge" Lwandle says.
"Ugh... You just like attention Lwa,you don't eat porridge remember?" I ask.
I tried feeding it to them once and they threw up so I never tried again.
All the kids laugh including Zotha,I turn around only to find Zano and Lwandle whispering to each other,when they see me looking at them they smile.
"You also don't eat porridge Mageba " I say giving him a questioning look.
"Daddy says he is hungry and Themba gave him his food" Lwandile says.
I smile at his kind heart. The kid never really deserved me treating him like he doesn't exist. Whether he is Zano's child or not.
"Me and Siphephelo would like to eat with Baba upstairs,the food is finished in the dining room" Zano says turning to Nokuzotha.
Oh well I spoke too soon I guess.
I pop my eyes out surprised. The gang laughs. So much food? Are those people crazy? Nokuzotha stands up and comes to join me on the stove.
"We will bring it up just now" she says pinching me.
Zano looks at me from head to toe and then walks out without saying anything.

I make Themba his porridge and cool it down for him then give it to him after adding milk, fortunately he finishes the entire bowl. The kids patiently waited for him to finish eating,I noticed that they do the same with Lwandile also. Then they run to the lounge to watch cartoons. Luckily I didn't take the entire dumpling I made to the dining room or I would have a sulking Zano,who am I kidding I'm sure he doesn't care anymore. His plate is different instead of bread there is dumpling.
"You know I missed this,when you were not here it was always me alone going up and down" Zotha says as we take the food upstairs.
"Didn't Zano's wife help you?" I ask.
"Oh please" she says rolling her eyes.
We laugh.
"I think you should take the food to them,you saw how Zano looked at me I don't want to ruin his appetite" I say putting everything on a tray.
"Sphe the mere fact that this plate has dumpling instead of bread shows that you prepared it. Let's go" She says.

We knock on the bedroom door and Siphephelo opens for us. Baba's room is huge,it even has a dining table. Baba is sitting on the bed all dressed and he is eating. Siphephelo and Zano are sitting on the table.
"Good morning" we both greet bowing our heads.
"Morning my daughters" baba greets with a smile.
He looks much better than yesterday so I smile.
"You should have brought me more tea" he says.
"I will get it Baba" Nokuzotha says putting the tray in front of Siphephelo and hurries out.
I put the tray in front of Zano and make my way out. I really hope he eats.

"Makoti sit down please" baba says.
I look at Zano confused and he just looks away from me. Maybe it's about the Ozan issue,I suppress a sigh a I sit down on the couch.
Nokuzotha comes back in a few minutes with the tea,she pours it for him and he thanks her.
"Please join your sister on the couch" he says.
Nokuzotha gives me a questioning look and I shrug. I'm guessing she also has to hear this. I inwardly roll my eyes,I'm so tired of this life.

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