Chapter 8

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When he calms down I give him a glass of water and he finishes it. I go back to him and wipe his tears away.
"I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me,I know this is a lot to process and I will give you time I promise" I say.
I hope that he forgives me because if I was a normal person after giving birth I would have came back but I stayed and not only for a year but five whole years.
"Did you leave them with your boyfriend?" He asks and there is hatred dripping in the word 'boyfriend'. I quickly shake my head.
"No they are here,I think it's time they meet their father" I say looking down.
I can't tell him everything now,I will have to go with the flow of things.
"Or is he no longer a boyfriend but a husband?" He asks.
Well I guess he finds my love life more interesting than the boys.
I shake my head shyly. He looks at me from head to toe.
"Do you want to marry him?" He asks and I know where he is going with this.
I shrug my shoulders.
"I don't think now is the appropriate time to talk about this,we will cross that bridge when we get there. Your focus should be on recovering and getting to know the boys" I say looking serious.
Do they call him dad?" He asked as serious as he can ever be.
Oh this man should have just remained not talking!
"Zano please" I say hitting his leg and his face changes.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
He removes the blanket and looks at his legs. Then he touches them,even pinching himself. I know what that means I'm already at the door calling for a doctor.
"Don't worry we will get to the bottom of this" I say taking out his file from the drawer.

"Dr Zulu what's wrong? And what are you doing with my patient's file?" Dr Naidoo asks irritated.
"That patient is my husband,I can do whatever I want concerning him. And I want to know why were you not aware that he can't move his legs?" I ask irritation also coming to the front.
"What?" He asks looking at Zano and then goes straight to his legs.
"We have to run some tests and see what may be the cause,you saw his results yourself there is nothing wrong with his body" he says.
"Or it could just mean you are careless Dr Naidoo,you also didn't see the bubble that he had in his spinal cord." I say.
"Dr Zulu I suggest that you calm down" he says.
"Calm down for what particular reason,you suspend me from my job and leave my husband's health in your negligent hands?" Now I'm shouting.
My head is spinning. Is it something I did wrong when I was operating on him,will he walk again,what do I say to the boys. A lot is running through my head right now.
"Zenande " I hear Zano say.
It's like everything dies down and all I can see and hear is him.
It's like I haven't heard him call out my name in ages. Who am I kidding it's been years! I look at him and it's like I'm looking at my very soul.
"Let the doctor go,it doesn't matter" he says.
He doesn't even look hurt that he can't feel his legs.
"I can see your voice is back" Dr Naidoo says while jotting it down.
"Does it hurt anywhere Mr Zulu?" He asks Zano who is still looking at me.
He shakes his head.
"Dr Naidoo leave the poor man alone,it's still visiting hours" I say.
"Dr Zulu please" he says with pure irritation.
He does what he does and then goes out with the file.

"So you are Dr Zulu now?" Zano asks as i fuss with the pillows as I help him lay back in a sitting position.
"I told you that I graduated" i say covering his legs with a blanket.
"I like that" he says with a smile.
"Why aren't you worried about your legs?" I ask.
"It happened before and I know it's the ancestors doing so eventually I will be able to walk. You know while you were panicking you called me 'your husband' like old times sake" he says smiling.
I blush and look away.
As I'm about to say something the boys come running in.
"Mommy Lwa took my blue crayon" Lwandile says.
"It's mine mommy not his,he lost his" Lwandle says.
Through the corner of my eye I can see the family coming in. I scoot down to their level.
"What did I say about sharing?" I ask.
They look down.
"Lwandile where is your blue crayon?" I ask.
"I... I lost it,I'm sorry mommy" he says.
"It's okay baby but now since you don't have one you have to borrow from Lwa okay?"
He nods his head.
"Lwandle when your brother doesn't have something what do you do?" I ask.
"I share with him what I have mommy nomatter how little it is" he says.
He holds out his hand to Lwandile he is giving him the blue crayon.
"Ndile you can use it I will use another crayon" he says.
"Thank you" Lwandile says and they hug it out.
"And where is my hug?" I ask.
They throw themselves in my arms and I kiss their heads. I don't know how many of their quarrelling I have broken off. I pick them up as heavy as they are.
"You are busy fighting each other and you didn't even greet daddy" I say.
Like they just remembered their heads turn to Zano,his eyes are glassy again. The boys jump on to his bed and hug him.
"Hello daddy" they greet in Zulu.
"Daddy we are sorry for fighting" Lwandile says.
Zano is lost for words.
"Daddy are you better now?" He fires again.
"You should tell mommy when you are sick she will make you better" Lwandle says.
Zano looks at me and smiles.
"Boys tell daddy what you wanted to tell him" I say.
They jump up and down on their knees. They negotiate who is to go first amongst the two of them and they agree that Lwandle goes first. Meanwhile Zano's smile doesn't even falter,I'm sure his cheeks are going to hurt. Lwandle is on his right and Lwandile on his left.
"You raised them well" gogo says hugging me.
"Thanks gogo that means a lot" I say.

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