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I'm sat in bed with charlie he's watching paw patrol and I'm puffing on my vape on my phone,I check the time -ITS 9 OCLOCK?- "char" I rock him to look up at me "ywea dadaa" he says excitedly "it's really late bab it's time to go to sleep"I say scared of how he'd take it,charlie hates bedtimes"nu tankyou" charlie replies "charlie spring it wasn't a question it's time to sleep" that's when I see his face go red "NU SLWEEP NU NU" hes screams and kicks running of "charlie your not going to get away with this"I say running up to him putting him over my shoulder "nuuu dadaa" he cries "yes char sleep time" I say he just cries louder.I get a idea of how to get charlie to sleep TAO he loves Tao "char want to face time Tao?" I say "yeaws" he says still crying loudly -FaceTime call-*hey char why you crying my love* Tao says "dada bawd ,make mwe sweep" I just giggle with Tao *charlie big boys go to bed when their asked too are you a big boy?" "Yeas taow I biggest boy" charlie says proudly "ok you go to sleep now?" Tao says "mhmm otay I wiwll" "Thankyou Tao" i say "no problem uncle duties" he laughs ,we both say goodbye and end the call "ok nighty night time char?" "Yeaws dada I big boy you not" he says "okay charlie,yes you are" I giggle.I turn of the light cuddling Charlie tightly so I know he's safe and doesn't get up and drift off to sleep till I hear a babbling noise and woke up to Charlie on my phone speaking to darcy on FaceTime,"charlie spring" I say which must've scared him as he jumped,I think he's in a younger mindset now so he won't speak he just babbled unaudible things to "go night night darcy" I say as I end the phone wich caused Charlie to cry "shhh" I say rocking him in my arms and putting a dummy in his mouth with put him to sleep quite quickly.finally I can sleep now.
🍂Next morning🍂
I wake up and check for Charlie,he's still asleep so I quietly get out of bed and make myself a cuppa coffee and Charlie a bottle.I then make my way upstairs to wake up Charlie,"char" I say nudging him and smothering him in kisses "mmm" he mumbles quietly "you want a bottle baby" I say ,he just nods and sits up making grabby hands "here bab" I say passing it to him wich he greedily latches onto it drinking fastly "not too quick baby" I say causing him to slow down.I think now is a good time to tell him he needs to get the little injections today,charlie HATES injections so I'm not sure how this will go.

🍂to be continued🍂

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