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I sat there with Charlie in the car because I decided to not tell him and make life easier,"dada" charlie says "yes my love" I reply "wher is we gowing" HOW DO I REPLY TO THIS,ughhh "uhm somewhere" "ow otay" he says with a big smile ," here's my phone char" I say hoping this would distract him from the big doctors sign "ooh PAW PATROWL" he says eyes now fixated on the screen as I walk him and I into the doctors waiting room hoping his eyes stay fixated on the screen,I check into my appointment as charlie sits on the kids table watching shows on my phone until a doctor comes out "charlie spring for a injection" that's when I turn to see Charlie red as a tomato dashing towards the door to get out "nooo my munchkin" I say holding onto him before he could get out of the doctors putting him over my shoulder ,he's crying hysterically now "nu-u I -d-on-t wnt needle" charlie says in between sobs "you'll be fine my darling" I say back carrying him into the doctors office placing him down and locking the door so he couldn't get out "he doesn't like injections I'm guessing" the doctor giggles watching Charlie trying his hardest to get out of the room,he was unsuccessful "what's his name" the doctor asks "charlie spring" "age"she says "1-2" I reply " okay that's all I need,charlie can you come sit up here for me" the doctor says pointing to her chair covered in blue paper towel,charlie doesn't reply just drops to the floor and starts crying "nick could you bring him here" she asks "sure" I reply picking Charlie up despite getting kicked and slapped I still brought him over to the chair pinning him "nuuuu dadaa" charlie says now crying hysterically "my baby you'll be fine dada promises" he still tries his best to get out of the chair but the mindset he's in right now is making him very weak so I hold him tightly till he gave up and sat still crying lightly."alright all done" the doctor says,charlie doesn't reply and I look to see him fast asleep in my arms "all that crying put him to sleep" I say making the doctor laugh "Thankyou for coming" the doctor says as I'm walking out the door to take charlie to the car"goodbye" I reply . I'm in the car now making my way to maccies because Charlie loves the chocolate pies they do there "char" I say nudging him "boo boo" he says pointing to his arm with a pet lip "I'm sorry baby,want a chocolate pie" I say "yeaw I wan" he says as we go through the drive through ,through every window Charlie decides everyone should know he was a 'boo boo' I had to keep telling them he had an injection and they all laughed.we made it home now and it was quite late so I decided we should sleep and the injection side effects made Charlie very sleepy so he drifted of quickly


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