Sick char😷

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I wake up to see Charlie crying on the end of the bed with his dummy beside him "baby what's wrong" I say "downt feewl wewll dadaa" charlie says jumping into my arms crying "oh baby your ok I'll look after  you" I say patting his back until he become sick all over himself and me "ah baby" I say,"i sowwwy" he says with a pet lip crying more "it's ok baby boy your sick you can't help it let's get us changed" I say getting up to get changed"nuuu dada don't leave me" charlie says gripping onto me by my leg tightly "im only getting changed you can see me im not leaving " "nu i come" he says seriously "charlie sit here im just gonna get changed" "yu leave me" I ignore his comment because I really needed to get changed, he just sat their and cried until I gave him his iPad so he could play flappy bird.once I'm changed I get Charlie changed to he just gripped onto me tightly babbling about some random stuff I listened to it all.Because Charlie is sick I'm going to have to try get him to have some calpol Charlie really doesn't like medicine so I have to convince him some way "char,open your mouth baby" I say and he does just as I said where I squirted a whole tube of calpol into his mouth and held it closed till he swallowed it,I know it sounds like I'm forcing him but it's for his own good "nuuu I downt liykee dada" he says crying a hugging me tightly not letting go.I carry Charlie downstairs and he is being very clingy,he gets like this when hes I'll though,I don't mind but he gets in the way of me doing chores around the house.I make Charlie some dino nuggets however he wouldn't touch any "char you have to eat" I say wich seems to throw him into a tantrum "NU I DOWNT LIYKE" he says,I sigh knowing he would drink a bottle instead "ok baby don't shout,want a bottle instead" I say he looks like he's deciding but he just nods yes so I make the bottle and pick him up to cradle him so I can feed him his bottle,he drinks almost half of it till he's asleep I don't wake him up because I don't want him to be I'll I'd rather him sleep it off so I carry him upstairs where he grips onto me so I can't move and have to cuddle him "clingy are we" I say laughing,he nuzzles his head into my jumper shyly "dada I bettewr" he says coughing "charlie please don't lie I can see your unwell,just sleep my love" I say cuddling him "otay" he replies shovelling himself deep into all the blankets surrounding him.
-4 hours pass-
Charlie stirs Waking up still looking a bit pale but a tiny bit better "you okay Prince" I say "shh" he says "oh sorry mr sassy pants" I say giggling.I leave him wake up for a few minutes and out on his favourite  shows paw patrol."Dada I wan dinosaur nuggies" he says "okay Bub I'll go get them" I say happily he is finally getting the urge to eat.once I've made the nuggets I go upstairs and hand them too him "here baby" I say handing him them,it didn't take long till he ate them all sipping from his snippy cup beside him " I done" he says standing up " where you going to love" I say confused "darcy,she play game wiv me" he says starting to walk of dragging my hand "uh uh" I say dragging him back "tomorrow you play games with her it's too late" I say "owh otay" he says frowing sitting back down watching paw patrol.
Thanks god he is all better clingy but better.


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