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I'm currently in the kitchen making a few bottles for today as Charlie and me are going to see our friends in the garden centre for the day,Charlie's still asleep upstairs in his sleeping sack because he always ends up on his face nearly suffocating himself, he's been in a younger headspace a lot recently since he's been told about us going to see the Paris squad I thinks it's stressful for him because he always thinks no one likes him or everyone has a problem with him it's not true I know and he knows that too but his head won't shut up about it.Im interrupted in my thoughts by a loud cry from Charlie I walk upstairs into my room and look at a teary blue eyed curly haired Charlie wriggling in his sleep sack I take this as a hint of him telling me to let him the fuck out so I unzip the sack and lift him up getting a strong smell of shit,I place him on the changing table and take of his pajamas and chucking them in the washing basket and getting his nappy off wiping down his private areas and placing a new nappie on him with a cute Nike tech outfit I got for him,HE LOOKS ADORABLE! Once Charlie's changed I give him to my mum and they start colouring together while I go have a shower and get changed myself I didn't shower Charlie today since he had a bath last night wich resulted in me getting soaked and him laughing away.I've finished my shower so I step out wrapping a towel around me and getting my matching Nike tech on with Joop the fragrance (drowned myself in it) and walk over to my mum and Charlie who are currently at the table eating breakfast,Charlie was eating grapes and yoghurt "your breakfast is on the side Nicky" my mum says gesturing to the side counter in the kitchen "thanks mum" I say smiling picking up my breakfast and sitting next to Charlie who's interested in Bing the bunny on my mums phone "when you going to work mum?" I say in interest "in 10 minutes Nicky" she says so I just nod and carry on eating "sippy dada" Charlie taps and says to me "ok babe" I say going to get his dinosaur sippy cup from the side and pouring a fruit shoot into it "here" I say passing it to him "tanks"he says shovelling it into his mouth breathing heavily like the drinks gonna run away from him "slower char" I say in a caring tone and he slows down "Okay I gotta get to work now" my mum says reaching for the phone Charlie's currently watching his show on "NU nannnaaa" he screeches as he starts getting teary eyed "char she needs her phone we need to leave in a bit anyway so move your but" I say and he gives in passing the phone to my mum and avoiding eye contact with me he must think that it's affecting me but it's in all honesty very cute.I pick up the blue eyed monster and make my way to the door to say goodbye to my mum "BWYE NANNA" Charlie says waving "bye beautiful" my mum shouts back as I close the door "okay I'm gonna chuck your shoes on and then we're gonna go" I say to Charlie putting on his shoes and mine "paci dada?" He says worried ,I grab a pacifier and clip it to his tracksuit "wait a sec babe lemme go get your bag" I say running towards the living room chucking it over my shoulder and picking Charlie up going out the door to the car "garden centre time" I say clipping Charlie in to his car seat "dada is gonna buy sweetyies?" Charlie says making me giggle "only one char" I say making him smile he must think so he's getting anything other than a lollie because he would choke on anything else.Once I've pulled into the garden centre a very happy Elle and a very Tao, Tao come up to us,I look back and see Charlie asleep with him pacifier hanging out his mouth so I sneakily go around the side and get him out without waking him up.

1 hour passes of being in the garden centre

Charlie's just woken up and happily he's up in time for his bottle so I pick him up into my arms and get his bottle out of the changing bag taking the cap of it and putting it on his lips waiting for him to latch on to it and he did greedily I rock him untill hes had enough of the bottle so I burp him and give him more of his bottle as the others watch in awe even Tao wich is surprising since Tao has no emotion whatsoever.Charlie's finished with his bottle and starts to open his eyes spotting everyone around him and hiding his face into me "don't be shy Charlie you know these people" I say taking his head away from me as he loosens his tense body to be more relaxed.Elle gestures for Charlie to go into her arms and he does and everyone starts to speak and play with him till he starts getting cranky and moody wich is a sign he wants his pacifier "here Charlie" I say holding out his paci which he takes and shoves into his mouth smiling.

3 hours later

It's gotten quite late now so I said goodbye to the gang and held a sleeping Charlie into my arms walking to the car and strapping him in ready to go home.When I get home I take him out and walking him straight up stairs changing him into his onesie and feeding him apples and banana slices on top of that his bottle ready for sleep.I get changed too and turn on Charlie's sleep music and place him in his cot putting him in his sleep sack and dozing off to sleep.

Bit longer than the others it's just I lose my motivation easily and get tired lmao but here we are xx

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