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𝐒𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤

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𝐒𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤

"We need to go to Hogsmeade." Harry mumbled out as he pulled the shirt down over his body. "Honeydukes."

"Mhm." Hermione hummed out as I glanced back at the castle just on the other side of the forest.

"Sienna?" Harry questioned as I turned my gaze to him instead. "Are you coming with us?"

"I can't." I mumbled out quietly while giving him a faint smile. "I'm sorry. But my friends can't cover for me any longer."

"You didn't tell Mattheo?" Hermione asked in surprise as I gave her a knowing look, seeing how she nodded her head in realization.

"If he knew where I was going he would be with us right now." I answered her half jokingly as she chuckled a little at me. "It was just better to not tell him."

"You don't trust him?" Ron asked as I turned to him quickly, seeing how he shut his mouth immediately by the look on my face.

"I do trust him." I mumbled out while giving him a forced smile. "But let's be honest. None of you wants him here, so?"

"Fair enough." Ron answered again as I gave him a nod in agreement.

"Won't he be mad if he finds out?" Harry asked me as I shrugged my shoulders.

"He's probably gonna be pissed." I humorously said as I could see his eyes widen. "But he will understand eventually."

"Sienna..." Harry carefully mumbled out as I tilted my head a little at him. "He doesn't hurt you, right?"

"Hurt me?" I questioned in surprise as I gave him a soft smile. "He's the last person who'd hurt me."

"Good." Harry answered quietly while giving me a nod. "That's the only reason I tolerate him."

A small chuckle left my lips as I reached up and patted his back a little, giving him a playful smile.

"Good Potter." He gave me a small smile in response, but I could see it not reaching his eyes fully. "You don't have to like him, I understand that you don't. But I'm with him and that's not changing."

𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐞, ᵐᵃᵗᵗʰᵉᵒ ʳⁱᵈᵈˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now