Quirks Pt1

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      Many other children gathered around Katsuki staring in aw, naturally I joined in to see what all the commotion was about, as I leaned around to get a better view I noticed small sparks and explosions bursting from Katsukis hands. His face lit up with excitement as he processed his quirk, the surrounding children all had a postitive energy practically pouring out of them.

"Heyyy! Earth to dumbass!" I heard a distant voice yell, someone shaking me by my shoulder. "God damnit, wake up!!" The voice yelled, my eyes shoot open as ai sit up quickly taking in my surroundings. I was still sitting in my desk the room seemed to glow orange from the setting sun. 

"Great you're up. Now let's go" I was harshly yanked to my feet as I took a moment to proccess who was dragging me. "Hello to you too kats". He simply rolled his eyes not even bothering to respond. "Where are we even going?" He let go of my arm allowing me to regain balance. "Home." I nodded a little noticing some moving down the hall.

A shorter boy with messy green hair shakily exited bakugous classroom. "Who's that?" I asked pointing in his direction. Katsuki turned the direction I pointed, his face turned slightly red with anger. "Just some extra. Don't worry about him" he replied grabbing my hand to once again drag me towards the schools exit.

"Cmon idiot! Hurry the hell up!" Katsuki yelled from ahead of me. "Damn you're so slow!" I sent a small glare towards him before replying. "It's not my fault you walk like we're running from death himself!" His shoulders tensed up for just a moment. "Whatever..." his steps slowing down a bit allowing me to catch up.

"Where are you going? Home is this way?" I said watching Katsukis take a turn onto an alleyway. "It's a shortcut, now cmon if we're late the hags gonna get pissed off" he spoke looking over his shoulder.

"By the way..." I begin before pausing for a moment to think. "Cmon spit it out-" he replies bringing me away from any thought I might've had. "Don't you usually walk with your other friends?" I continue. Bakugou looks off to the side for a moment before replying. "Those idiots were busy or some shit, don't know and don't care." As he finishes his sentence he kicks a bottle that seemed to have a weird sludge in it.

As the bottle hits the ground the cap falls off the liquid spilling out. I get a small look of disgust on my face at the scent and appearance of the sludge. "What the bell was in that bot-" before o can finish my sentence Katsuki cuts me off. "What the hell.."

The weird sludge from before grew in size near the alleyway exit, it had gross eyes and what seemed to resemble a mouth. "A skin suit with a great quirk~" it spoke. I grit my teeth, not only did it smell and look disgusting.. its voice matched perfectly.

The next few minutes seemed to flash before my eyes, before I knew it the villain seemed to have completely engulfed Katsukis body, I felt my body shake in fear. "Run you idiot!" Katsuki yelled as his explosions shot everywhere.  

I took a few steps back before turning around fully running as fast as I could, hoping to find someone, maybe a hero, a police officer. I just needed to find someone who could help. Despite my distance from the situation I could still hear Katsukis yelling and explosions. I couldn't make out anything of what he was saying besides a few words... "deku" 

*isn't that what he calls the green haired boy? Why would he be there? He's quirkless he can't do anything to help.. maybe the villain is trying to attack him too-* my thoughts were cut off by a gust of wind an inaudible yelling, the voices seemed more happy that scared... I tried my best to make out what people were saying until I heard a familiar laugh. That laugh is all over TV... Katsuki should be okay now, that's all mights laugh... 

I quickly ran towards the voices, my lungs burning from the physical exhaustion. As I arrived it seemed the commotion had died down as Katsuki stomped towards me. A let out a yelp in suprise as he yanked me to follow him by the back of my uniform.

"Kats! You're okay! What happened? Are you hurt? How are y-" he cut me off yelling. "I'm fine dumbass! You don't need to worry so much!" I stared at him for a moment. "Katsuki." "..." "kats." "..." "Katsuki Bakugou." "Ugh what?" I placed my hand on his shoulder slightly rubbing it, his shoulders seemed to relax at the touch. "Are you okay?" I question him. I attempt to look into his eyes but he made that rather difficult as he turned his head away.

"I said I'm fine. Now let me go" despite his words Katsuki made no effort to remove my hand from his shoulder. "I know that's a lie. You only slouch like that when you're not okay!" He tended up a little once again before turning towards me slightly, he opened his mouth to speak but stopped suddenly, he leaned to look behind me his face visibly growing angry. "Stay here." "Wha-" "I said stay here." 

I turned to see where he was headed once. Once again there was the green haired boy, Katsuki seemed to really dislike him. Well he must have a good reason... right? "Oi deku!!" I heard him shout before there was inaudible screaming. I enjoy hanging out with Katsuki as much as anyone enjoys hanging out with their friends, but I never really cared to listen to what he yells towards others, unless it has to do with me. But I don't think he really minds.

I was too lost in thought to notice him walking towards me slouching forwards like always. He walked past me nudging my shoulder to bring me out of the thoughts. I turned walking beside him and stared at his posture for a second before lightly brushing my hand on the back of his neck. "Hey what the hell!" He yelled while his back straightened up. He whacked my hand away as I laughed to myself a little. "Tch, can't be a hero if you're getting neck issues this early!" I said trying to not laugh harder. 

Bakugou glared at me his hand on the back of his neck. "You idiot." He rolled his eyes. "Hmmm.." he looked slightly down kicking a small rock from infront of him. "What are you thinking about?" He closed his eyes for just a moment before he spoke. "Why dont.... Why don't we train together until the entrance exam?" My eyes lit up a little as a smile crept to my face, "hell yeah! I'd love too!" "Good." He turned away trying to hide the smile on his own face, but I caught it just a moment before his face left my view. I decided not to mention it... I didn't feel like dying today..

(Chapter 1 end!)

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