USJ Part1/? pt.13

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The days went by rather slow, despite it being the first week it was rather repetitive. Soon we were all putting on either our hero uniforms or the gym uniform. Aizawa said to wear whatever is comfortable since it was a long ride.

I honestly took a while to decide which one, the damn shirt on my costume is so tight but I prefer it way over the material of the gym uniforms. Costume it is.

I was covering my ears as I wondered if Iida was somehow louder than bakugo. Where the hell did he even get whistle-? Iida was taking his job as class rep very seriously. We all boarded the bus, as always I sat next to bakugo.

For it being so early in the school year- a lot of people knew eachother already. Or at least I assume by how loud the bus was. Looking around... it seemed everyone choose their hero costumes besides... deku.

The noise was loud making it hard to catch onto what anyone was saying. I did manage to hear the blond boy who sat next to me speaking to bakugo. "Yknow— we basically just met you,so it's kinda telling that we all know your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage." I swear everyone in this school has a death wish.

"You're gonna regret the day you applied to this school you loser!" Bakugo was leaning forward on a railing. I put my hand on his lower back to stop him from falling face first onto the ground. The rest of the ride consisted of inaudible screaming mainly from bakugo.

When we arrived I couldn't help but feel uneasy. The feeling only increased when we entered the building. "Dumbass! You got that stupid worried face again. Calm the hell down- it's just training." Bakugo spoke. That same annoyed expression on his face. "Ah— right." Despite bakugos words I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

I tried my best to focus on what Aizawa and... thirteen was it..? Said. Yet that feeling still never left. Suddenly, a large black mist with hints of purple formed in the center of the USJ. Multiple people began stepping out of it. Kirishima stepped forward to get a better look. "Oh, is this like the enterance exam where it just starts without a count down?"

"Don't move."

Aizawa had raised his voice. Something didn't seem right.

"This isn't part of the test. Those are real villains."

You could feel the tension among the class build up. This weird creature stepped out from the mist. It was clear whatever it was... it was not human. 

"The teachers schedule we received the other day said that all might was supposed to be here." A voice from the mist spoke... no... not from the mist... it seemed to be the most itself. I guess those eyes aren't just for show and it's an actual person. The quirk made it hard to tell....

Aizawa took a step forward, he seemed to be talking to himself more than anything as he spoke. "So the trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all?"

"Where is he?" It was hard to pinpoint the voice again but it seemed to be from the guy covered in weird hands. The fact that the faces of most weren't visible made it difficult to tell who spoke and when. The large crowd of villains began walking towards us. "I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd too... all might... the symbol of peace..." he seemed upset. "I can't believe he's not here... I wonder... will he come if we kill some kids?" 

...kill...? So aizawa wasn't just making up some weird lie again to make us focus more... the hell is even going on...? Aizawa scarf began to float along with his hair. "What...? Villains?! No way...!" Kirishima began to speak. "There's no way they could get into a hero school!"

Momo turned to thirteen, she had a concerned expression. That was understandable. "Teacher... what about the trespasser sensors?"  Thirteen turned to momo before speaking. "We have them of course but—" she was interrupted by the boy with half n half hair. "Did they appear here or around the whole school...? Either way the sensors are not responding, that means they have someone with a quirk that can do that." 

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