Not too bad... Pt.6

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           The tests weren't as bad as I thought.. I guess Katsuki was right when he told me not to worry. I got pretty average scores on all of them... at least average for someone not using their quirk. It sometimes felt like my quirk wasn't that useful. Like it could only be used to harm others. I guess it could be compared to that of a villain, I mean.. the drawbacks are fitting. You would imagine most villains to have disgusting after effects from using their quirks.

I was caught out of my thoughts by someone calling my name. "Y/N. You're up.". I looked up from the ground, it was my turn for the ball throw. I was most nervous for this one, despite my quirk relying on my hands it didn't do much with pushing things away from me. I let out a nervous sigh as I walked up to the circle. I was trying to regulate my breathing but it was difficult with all the eyes on me. 

I picked up the ball, and stepped into the circle.I tossed the ball in my hand once's before closing my eyes. I guess I'll just do whatever my brain thinks of in the moment... I brought my hand back before launching it forward, a large gust of air spreading away quickly, the smell of something burning filled my nose. I opened my eyes and stood back up, a small stream of smoke following the balls path. Plasma... I rarely used that part of my quirk. Changing the state of matter to anything that wasn't the basic 3 was difficult for me. It always overused my quirk.

"701.5 meters. (2301.5 Feet)" 

I didn't focus much on what my score was, I was more focused on my hands. The skin slowly peelings and melting off revealing flesh and bones underneath. I quickly shoved my hands into my pockets, I winced slightly. It stung and burned like hell but, I didn't want someon to see it. I don't want people to view me as disgusting. 

I kept my eyes on the ground as I walked over to stand next to bakugo again. He looked me up and down before letting out a dramatically annoyed sigh. "You good?" He said, it was almost as if he tried to act like he didn't care. I nodded slightly without speaking, it felt like if I opened my mouth I would only scream in pain at the fabric rubbing against my bare flesh.

"See? You didn't get last. Now stop moping." Bakugo nudged my shoulder with an annoyed expression. I look up trying to focus on the bright screen, my head hurt from the blood leaking into my pockets, my eyes were blurry as I looked for my name. "6th..." 

Entering the boys changing room, I stood infront of my locker for a moment. I simply starred at the handle with my hands still in my pocket. The effects weren't over yet and wouldn't be for a while. I let out a quiet sigh, guess I had to wait a while until nobody was here.

"Yo! Y/N right? You were super manly out there!" I jumped slightly at the sudden speaking. I turned my head and noticed the red haired boy from before. "Oh..! Uhm.. thanks! You too!" *I smiled awkwardly. 

"We should totally hang out later! You up for it?" He spoke, smiling widely revealing shark like teeth. My eyes widen slightly at the sudden invite... we just met... I don't even know his name and he's inviting me to hang out-? I look over at bakugo who was staring daggers into this poor guy. "Ah... sure why not? By the way... what's your name again...?" I was kinda panicking on the inside, it felt weird to ask someone's name even if you just met them. 

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima! Nice to meet ya!" He heald out a hand to shake mine, I almost reached for it but tensed up before I could move... and just kinda stared at it. There was silence for a few seconds before it was broken. "Hey- you good man? Kinda zoned out on me." I stayed silent, internally panicking. I didn't want to be rude but I don't want to ruin a possible friendship. 

"Hello~~~ earth to Y/N! You in there?" He waved a hand infront of my face snapping me out of my thoughts. "O-oh! Right! Uh yeah! It's nice to meet you too Kirishima-!" *I averted my eyes, sweating slightly. "Okay then... well! We should head back to class now-! Practically everyone else has left-! I can wait for ya if you want!" He smiled again, lighting up the dim room. "NO!" I yelled out in a panick before clearing my throat. "N-no.. you don't have to! I'll be fine don't worry." 

He gave me a confused look for just a second before beginning to walk away. "Okay then- see you later Y/N!" As soon as the door shut I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. I turned around and before I could do anything I was immediately met with that familiar head of blond hair and angry red eyes. Bakugo let out a scoff before forcibly grabbing my hands. "You idiot." As he spoke he wrapped a roll of bandages around my hand, somehow he always hand bandages on him for when I overused my quirk... it was honestly a little weird.

"You don't have to lie about if you're okay or not. Now get changed, im not gonna be late to class because you decided to sit around being all weird about your hands."  I looked at him for a moment before smiling at him. "Thanks kats..." he rolled his eyes and let out a small groan. "Whatever, now hurry up!" I nodded before turning to my locker. My hands still hurt but the bandages made them feel better. 

(Time skip~)

The final bell rang and you could feel the weight in the room lifted and students began piling out the door. "Cmon, let's head back." I looked over at bakugo, almost agreeing before I remembered earlier. "Ah... right.. I told kirishima I would hang out with him after school- i... I hope you don't mind..?" His eye twitched slightly and a more annoyed expression crossed his face. "Kirishima? Who the hell is that?!" He seemed more pissed off than usual. 

I pointed over my shoulder at the redhead who was struggling to shove a book in his bag. Bakugo didn't say anything, he just looked off to the side. "..have fun or whatever. Text me when you get home." He spoke quietly and concert calmly. Before I could respond he was already out the door. Stood still for a few seconds before kirishima tapped on my shoulder. "Arcade?" I took a few moments to proccess what he meant before nodding. 

(Chapter end)

(Sorry for such a late update! Follow/save to read future chapters! I think bakugo is a little jelly of a certain shark boy👀)

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