Useless. USJ Part.2/? Pt.14

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I felt myself fall to the flooring of the boat, the shaking making it hard to stand. "When the enemy becomes sure of their victory, that will be our chance!" I turned to deku, the hell is this guy thinking? "If the enemy is sure of their victory that means they've probably already won." 

He turned towards me, a determined expression on his face. "This is the only way to win. Now just listen, I have a plan." 

The villains spoke up, clearly getting impatient. "You really must be kids with all the chirping and screaming." It was clear how pissed off they all were. Before I could even reply to deku's "plan" he jumped off the damn boat. He yelled something, but it was hard to hear against the noise of the boat falling apart. He simply flicked the air causing a huge amount of forced to press into the water, creating a massive whirlpool.

"Tsu! Y/N!" Tsu grabbed me with one arm before jumping into the air, off the boat. I looked down at the villains who were struggling against the fast moving water. Before I could even figure out where deku was, the villain who had broken the boat used their quirk again, this time sending a beam directly at me and tsu. The beam of water managed to miss tsu, but I wasn't as lucky. Pain surged through my as it hit me directly on the side of my head, my vision quickly going dark.

I opened my eyes, the light hurting them. It seems we're still in the usj... I blink a few times proccessing my surroundings. We were in around waist deep water... tsu was carrying me, and deku was beside us. "We'll run away the instant it seems dangerous... oh! Y/n, you're awake. That's good, that means the villain didn't hit you too hard." Hit...? Oh right... the boat... well at least we're still alive. My body feels so weak, I'm not sure I can move even if I wanted too.

Shifting my focus I turned to see what tsu and deku were looking at, it seemed aizawa was still fighting villains. Aizawa launched his scarf into the direction of the hands guy, the hand guy quickly grabbed the scarf and ran at Aizawa. Aizawa tugged on the scarf pulling him close and elbowing him in the stomach. The hand covered man quickly grabbed onto aizawas elbow tightly.

"The hell... is he doing...?" I questioned. "It's hard to see because you keep moving around... but there's an instant where your hair falls. That's when you've stopped using your quirk." The villain spoke, his voice still raspy. The clothing where the man's hand was holding aizawa seemed to begin disintegrating. 

"And the timing between has gotten shorter, and shorter. Don't push yourself eraserhead."

The clothing on aizawas arm was fully turned to dust, the skin on his elbow now beginning to crack and fall off as if it were thin clay. Aizawa managed to shove the man away from him, this time dodging instead of fighting the villains. "That quirk isn't suited for long battles against many opponents,isn't this too different from your usual job? You're good at short fights after a surprise attack... yet you jumped right in and fought us up front. Was that to put your students at ease?" 

The man stood up from the ground, staring at aizawa. Aizawa used his scarf to tie up a villain, before using their body to block another villains attack. "Your so cool...." The man spoke again.the hell is he complimenting mr. Aizawa for in a time like this...? "By the way hero..." some kind of creature... extremely tall, what looked like a birds beak filled with human teeth... no eyelids... and an exposed brain walked up behind aizawa. The man let out an unsettling laugh before speaking again. 

"Im nlt the final boss."

The creature grabbed aizawa with so much force it immediately shatter his goggles, and he began bleeding from his head. "I'll tell you eraser head, this is the Anti-Symbol of Peace. A Bioengineered Nomu." 

The *nomu* let out a horrifying, distorted screeching noise as it grabbed aizawas right arm, twisting, then breaking it. "You can erase quirks... that's great but.... Nothing impressive. In the face of overwhelming power you may as well be quirkless!" Aizawa looked at the man, it seemed to be an attempt to use his quirk before the Nomu immediately grabbed his left arm, easily snapping it. Aizawa yelled in pain as the Nomu slammed his head into the concrete.

Tsu spoke up, causing me to flinch slightly at the sudden noise. "Midoryia... surely you're having second thoughts on this...." That mist from before appeared beside the man. "Tomura shigaraki." Huh... so that's his name? Somehow, it doesn't sit right. "Kurogiri, did you manage to kill thirteen?" So the most is called Kurogiri, I guess he is an actually person then and not a being from someone's quirk. 

"I put thirteen out of action, but there was students I was unable to disperse. One of them escaped." Kurogiri spoke. One escaped...? Oh thank whatever gods there are-! This means we'll be okay soon... right? "..huh?"

Shigaraki lifted his hands, scratching the parts of his neck that weren't covered by the grey hands on his body as his breathing became heavy, he raised his voice as he spoke. "Kurogiri, you.... If you weren't a warp gate I would've crushed you to pieces !" He immediately paused, lowering his hands. "We can't win against dozen of pros... it's game over this time.... Let's go home."

"...what? They're leaving? Just like that...?" I said... this all felt weird. "That's what I heard, ribbit. But I have a bad feeling about this..." replied tsu, honestly she was right. Nothing about this situation felt good. My thoughts were broken by deku speaking. "Yeah... for them to simply retreat after doing all this..."

"Oh yeah..." shigaraki slowly turned, those red eyes locking with mine. I felt them pierce my soul, he knew we were here....? "Before we leave..." shigaraki began running full speed at us, yet we were all stuck in shock, unable to move. "Let's smash some of his pride as the symbol of peace!" His hand outstretched infront of him, reaching for my face. Time felt like it slowed down, his hand inching closer with each second. If his quirk did that to aizawas elbow.... Then the moment he touches my face I'll—

Am I really going to die here...? All those years for such a shameful death...? I haven't even done anything...

His hand grabbed onto my face yet, nothing happened. Shigaraki let out an annoyed sigh, his hand letting go of my as he turned to aizawa. "You really are so cool." Aizawa was staring shigaraki down, his quirk activated. The Nomu slammed aizawas face into the ground once more. Shigaraki then attempted to reach for my face again. 

"Let go of him—!" Deku yelled, launching at shigaraki bringing his fist forward to hit him. The air was immediately filled with dust, covering the impact completely. There was sound of distant glass shattering... was the punch really that strong...? As the dust cleared it revealed the Nomu was shielding shigaraki, the hit having done no damage to the Nomu at all.

"...your smash..." shigaraki began. "You're a follower of all might right? Oh well. I'm done with you." The Nomu grabbed deku's arm bringing him closer before lifting a hand to hit him. Tsu launched her tongue at deku, trying to pull him from the Nomu's grasp. Shigaraki once again reached for me and tsu.

I want to move but my body just wouldn't, I can't just hope for aizawa to save us again... he's most likley unconscious, and even if he was awake... the Nomu is way too strong for him... am I really going to die like this? I haven't been doing anything this whole time!

I've just been laying around burdening others, I've been useless.

What would Katsuki think if he saw me like this?

(Chapter end)

Another chapter! 

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