The entrance exam 1/2 Pt2

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           The next few months were harsh yet went by quickly, Katsuki wouldn't go easy on me while training together. The night before the entrance exam I ended up falling asleep at Katsukis house on accident, I would unfortunately only realise this when I woke to a quiet ringing noise and my face just inches from Katsukis.

As I opened my eyes I had to blink a few moments before realizing what was infront of me, Katsukis sleeping face was so pretty, he looked so calm, and for once not angry. I sat up quickly to avoid any embarrassment. I would consider myself dead already if he woke up to my staring at him in his sleep. I rubbed my eyes a little before looking around. I was sitting in Katsukis bed, the sky outside was slightly grey, the sun wasn't high enough to paint the sky orange, but not low enough to be pitch black. Why did he insist on setting his alarms so early.

Before I could do anything else I heard a small grunt with some movement beside me, the alarm noise stopped, I assumed Katsuki was awake so I went to greet him but was once again cut off, this time being pulled back down into the bed as Katsuki wrapped his arms around me. *I swear to god this bi-* before I could finish my thoughts he buried his head into my chest making me tense up, he still seemed to be completely knocked out, I looked over his shoulder.. his alarm was on snooze, I could enjoy at least a few more minutes of this, I relaxed my shoulders a bit putting my arms around him pulling him slightly closer. I put my face into his messy hair inhaling slightly to take in his scent.

Before I knew it I had already dozed off, my sleep wouldn't last long unfortunately. Katsukis alarm woke me once again, this time fully waking him. Normally I would sit up immediately but I decided to avoid any embarrassment to fake sleep so he wouldn't question this position. I heard him let out a small grunt turning his alarm off, he slowly inhaled before removing my arms from around himself. I couldn't tell if I was hearing things but he seemed to mutter "clingy idiot" I wanted to punch him right there and then, he was the clingy idiot here. But I decided against it.

 The bed shifted a little before he got up leaving the room, I waited a few moments more before hearing the shower turn on. Sitting up I looked around the room for my phone. *5:30am... this guy seriously gets up way too early* I rolled my eyes stretching my arms a little. I was nowhere near mentally prepared for this day, but pretty physically prepared. Training with Katsuki seemed like hell at first, but with time I got used to it and managed to build up some muscle.

The noise of the shower stopped bringing me away from my racing thought. Katsuki opened the door wearing a pair of sweats and a black tank top. "Oh good. You're up, go get ready you idiot, I'm not gonna be late because you decided to sit around all morning." I stared at him for just a second before realizing what day it was.

~time skip~

The walk to the building seemed way longer than it should've been. I guess that was just my anxiety getting to me. My thoughts were racing again *what if I don't pass? Will my parents be okay with it? What would Katsuki think of me? Would he still want to be friends with me if I was too weak to even make it through the entrance exam?* a hand fell onto the top of my head making me jump a little. "Idiot, you're gonna do fine." My eyes widen slightly in shock. "A-ah did I say any of that out loud-?" Katsuki rolled his eyes "no, you just had that look on your face. Now stop worrying so much! We'll pass the exam, get into U.A., and become the two best hero's this world will ever  see!" The look on his face didn't give off the energy he was motivating me, if anything it looked like he was threatening me.

I did my best to smile in response as I nodded. "Yeah, thanks kats" he let out a small tch noise. "Don't thank me idiot." I rubbed the back of my neck slightly before we entered the building. I would've had more trouble finding my seat if I wasn't sat right next to Katsuki, k thanked whatever being for mamking thsi easier on me. I was sa on the left of bakugou, I turned to see who was on my right and noticed it was that same green haired boy, his eyes were big and he had three freckles on each cheek. I opened my mouth to greet him but immediately felt a hand on my head to turn me towards the stage. "Don't talk to that extra. He's not worth your time." Katsuki spoke, before I could make any objections or question him the stage lit up.

A man with blonde hair sticking almost straight up and tacky blue glasses began to speak, I tuned out most of what he said besides the basic rules. He was so loud... normally I don't mind being near loud people, I mean I am friends with kats, but this is too much. I covered my ears slightly to block out the extra volume. The green haired boy, deku was it? Began to mutter at a speed I didn't think was humanly possible, even by people with speed quirks. My attention was drawn away when a boy with dark blue hair and square glasses stood up to ask questions.

Something about the robots, I didn't pay much attention.. he turned towards my general direction causing me to panic a small bit. He seemed to yell at *deku* for a small moment before making eye contact worth me, my panic grew with every second he stared. "And you! With the H/C hair! If you're going to cover your ears the entire presentation then why be here at all!" I stuttered a little unable to get any words out before Katsuki spoke up. "Shut the hell up extra! Not his fault all you idiots are so goddamn loud!" The blue haired boy didn't respond well to this, he opened his mouth to speak but before any words could escape the blonde on stage began to speak again. 

The boy sat back down and I turned to Katsuki quickly mouthing a small "thank you" before turning back to the stage. As the presentation finished everyone in the room stood up. "Cmon, we're in the same arena so you can just follow me" Katsuki spoke as he grabbed me by my wrist. I smiled a little as I follow behind him.

Chapter 2 entrance exam part 1 finished!

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