He's mad. Pt.10

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            After Katsuki left school I didn't see or hear from him for the rest of the night. I was slightly worried, he's seemed pretty stressed since school started. But I can't really blame him. I walked past the vending machine again pausing. I looked at the drinks selection before sighing slightly. I pulled a few coins from my bag buying some (drink of choice). I heard that giggle from last time I was here. I looked around, nothing.

I arrived home looking at my phone. Katsuki had left me on read. I sighed before waking upstairs to my room. I put my bag down on my bed before grabbing something comfortable from my closet before heading to the bathroom for a much needed shower. I felt gross after all the training that day. Momo was smart, but I didn't exactly work well with her. I guess that's kinda my fault, I dont work well with anyone besides bakugo.

After I showered I check my phone again, Katsuki still hadn't replied. I turn on my morning alarms and set my phone on the table next to my bed before laying down. I stared at the ceiling for what felt like forever. My body was physically tired but my mind was racing making it difficult to sleep. 

I thought Katsuki was mad about something else at first before he snapped at me. But to be fair he could've just snapped because he was already pissed off. Did it have something to do with deku....? Probably now that I think about it. Everything went out of control after they fought.... But he has seemed a little on edge since yesterday... huh.  After some time my thought stop running wild and I finally fell asleep. 

I woke up to my alarm going off, I let out a dramatic sigh before sitting up to turn off the alarm. At least I actually remembered to set my alarm last night. I opened my phone looking through notifications. 

Eijiro: 1 new message.

I sighed, guess bakugo probably wasn't gonna respond. I opened the message from kirishima.

Eijiro: hey! We should hang out again sometime if you're up for it! -yesterday 10:21pm

Y/N: sure, sounds like a good idea! :)

I closed my phone staring at the ceiling for a few moments before getting up. I did my hair and threw on my uniform, making sure I actually looked mostly okay. I grabbed my bag heading downstairs. I opened the door hoping to see the blond, but to my disappointment nobody was there. I opened my phone again.

Y/N: hey, u sure you're alright? You can talk to me if ya need! -yesterday 6:56PM

(Read -yesterday 8:42PM)

Y/N: are we gonna walk together? -7:12AM

Explosion Boy: I already left. -7:13AM

Hm. Guess I'm walking alone again. 

The school came into view, there seemed to be a lot more people than normal... were those cameras? It took me a good moment to realise the majority weren't students. The press. I always hated the idea of them. I know as a future hero I'd have to be around them a lot but I'd always hated being on camera. I tried to sneak around the crowd not before I noticed a guy staring at the the school with a weird look on his face, his hood made it hair to see him but he had bluish hair and his skin looked very dry.

I decided to ignore him as I tried to get around the press unnoticed. I failed. Miserably. The second I was fully on school grounds almost as if on queue I had cameras and microphones shoved in my face. It seemed they were doing this to any student who came even near them. I shielded my face with the back of my hand to block out the flashing camera lights and to cover my face. I hate being recorded. They were only yelling questions about All Might being a teacher and what he was like, so I decided it's be best to keep my mouth shut.

I somehow managed to push my way through the crowd of reporters and into the school. I let out a relieved sigh, my hair was messed up again. I looked at the time. I still had a bit to fix it before class. I headed to the boys bathroom hoping to get in and out quickly. I leaned on the counter to get closer to the mirror fixing my now very messy hair when I noticed a familiar person walk it. 

I looked at them through the mirror trying to be discreet, failing as I made direct eye contact. It was the boy I saved during the entrance exam. The one who I overused my quirk for. The one who saw the drawbacks. And look disgusted. I quickly broke eye contact going back to adjusting my hair, yet I could still feel his eyes on me. 

Once I finished I grabbed my bag leaving quickly, I didn't want to interact with him, he didn't seem like someone I would get along with. I entered the classroom sitting in my seat looking over at bakugo. He was leaning his head in on of his hands, he was looking away from me. "Katsu-" I was cut off by Aizawa entering the room. I guess I would talk to him later.

Aizawa set some papers on his desk before turning towards the class. "Let's get down to business, our first task will decide your future." How could he just drop something like that so calmly?! I was already stressed out about what was going on with bakugo. 

"You all need to pick a class representative." You could physically feel the tension lifted in the room. Almost immediately people started yelling about who should it be.

"Pick me guy! I wanna be class rep!"

"I'll take it!"

"Yeah you're gonna need me."

"Someone with style would be best~"

"I'm totally the right pick!"

Even bakugo seemed to want to be part of it. I covered my ears lightly to block out the noise. After all the yelling died down the class agreed on a vote. I stared at the slip of paper wondering who to write down. Uraraka didn't seem like she'd be a good fit, deku seemed to nervous, plus if bakugo heard I vote for him i wouldn't see the light of day again. Usually I would vote for bakugo but... it didn't feel right. I tapped my pencil a few times before finally writing down a name. "Tenya Iida."

After the votes were counted I looked at the board. 1 vote for me.. who could've voted for me- bakugo probably voted for himself so it couldn't have been- I paused look at the amount of votes Katsuki got. Zero votes. I looked over at Katsuki only to watch him turn his head away. I wanted to talk to him more with each second. 

I looked at the top of the list, Izuku Midoryia. Midoryia.... Where have I heard- right... that's Dekus actual name. Weird. I didn't think he'd win. I looked at second. Momo Yaoyorozu. I honestly forgot she existed for a bit. Guess we had the class rep now.. I don't know how well deku will do in this position.

The day went by painfully slow, the amount of relief I felt when the class before lunch ended. I got up looking to my side yet somehow Katsuki was already out the door. It shouldn't be too hard to find him in the lunch room.

I entered the lunch room not bothering to get food as I looked around for bakugo, almost immediately spotting the puff of spiky hair across the room. I made my way over to him setting my bag down beside the table as I sat down across from bakugo. "...did I do something to make you made or are you pissed about something else?"

"I-... I'm not mad at you.." he replied. He sounded annoyed but he wasn't screaming like normal. I couldn't tell if that was a good or bad sign. "Then why are you avoiding me?" He seemed to tense up for just a second looking at me, he opened his mouth to speak when a sudden alarm went off. "The hell...?"

We both stood up as a larger amount of students began panicking running out the door. I felt bakugo grab me by my wrist. "The hell are you waiting for? Let's go." He dragged me towards the door weaving through the crowd of students before getting to a mostly empty area, only people being a few students who weren't panicking.

"It's only the third day... so much has happened already..." I leaned my back against the wall. "Well it is a school for future hero's. Whatd you expect?" He replied. "Eh... guess you're right." I heard a noise from the crowded hallway which sounded like a very quiet jet engine before I heard Iida shouting. "Everything's fine!" 

"It's just the press! There's no need to worry!" Iida was very loud. Surprisingly his yelling managed to calm everyone, I should thank him once I get the chance. I looked back at bakugo only to see him already walking back to class, I sat up and ran to catch up.

Once we entered the classroom and everyone got settled, deku stood very nervously at the front, started a long rant about how well Iida did on calming everyone down before he handed over the class rep position. Whoever was class rep didn't matter much to me, as long as whoever it was could handle it.

(Chapter end)

Bro I be throwing chapters out fast af today-

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