
16 3 1

"Wake up, sleepyhead. Time for school" Brooke feels a pillow gently whack her in the face and blinks her eyes open to see Darcie stood there and ready to go. "We leave in 10" Darcie warns her.

"15" She argues sleepily, closing her eyes again.

"Lydia said 10. She'll make it 5 if you don't get your ass up" Darcie scoffs, moving to look herself over in her bathroom mirror. Brooke groans but sits up nonetheless, rubbing at her eyes.

"What time did I fall asleep yesterday?" Brooke wonders curiously.

"Not sure. Fell asleep sometime during our movie." Darcie explains. 

Brooke starts getting dressed, Darcie too busy redoing her makeup in her bathroom to pay attention. Brooke moves into the bathroom and grabs her toothbrush, Darcie scooching over as she continued to do her eyeliner so Brooke could brush her teeth.

When Brooke's finished brushing her teeth, she puts her hair up into a messy bun. Darcie lets out a hum as she digs through her makeup box before pulling out a lipstick and holding it up to show Brooke.

"You'd look really sexy with this black lipstick on" Darcie tells her matter-of-factly. Brooke lets out a laugh of surprise before shaking her head.

"I doubt that. Thanks though" Brooke moves to head out of the bathroom, packing up her bag and Darcie follows after.

"I'm serious. At least try it. If you don't like it, we can take it right off" Darcie offers.

"No way, Darc. You can wear it though" Brooke zips up her bag and Darcie stops beside her, pouting. 

"Please, for me?" She pouts out her bottom lip, pleading with her friend, her puppy dog eyes on full display and Brooke looks her over for a second before shaking her head and looking back down.

"I can see why your dad buys you so much stuff" Brooke mutters and Darcie smirks.

"I know. Lydia and I can both do it. Well? Can I try it?" Darcie asks.

"Ugh, fine. But!" Darcie was already squealing in excitement. "No one can know about this" 

"Deal" Darcie pushes her onto the bed.

"Hey! What the fuck?" Brooke exclaims, flipping onto her back to look at her friend.

"Trust the process, dummy" Darcie motions for her to move back and Brooke begrudingly obliges until her head is on one of Darcie's pillows. Darcie crawls towards her, Brooke's eyes widening in surprise. What was happening? Her mind wanders back to the night of the party when they were in this same sort of situation except she was on top and Darcie was drunk out of her mind.

It makes Brooke wish Darcie remembered as well so she wasn't alone in her awkward misery. But, here they were with Darcie now straddling her torso as she leaned over to apply Brooke's lipstick.

"This would've been easier to do in the mirror" Brooke lamely points in the direction of the bathroom but Darcie lightly smacks her hand down.

"Stop it, stay still"

"Okay, sorry"

"No talking" Darcie scolds, concentrating as she carefully applied the black lipstick onto Brooke's lips, her teeth sunk into her bottom lip as she focused.

She sits back up then, humming. "Go like this" She makes a popping sound with her lips and Brooke does as she says, still very aware that Darcie was on top of her and straddling her.

Darcie pulls out her phone and snaps a pic before Brooke can protest. "Darc, I said no one!" Brooke complains, reaching her arm up to snatch her phone away but Darcie raises it out of reach, grinning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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