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"I hear Scott's not playing in the lacrosse game" Darcie brings up as the trio hangs out in their regular meetup spot, at the picnic tables outside. Both turn to furrow their eyebrows over at her.

"What do you mean he's not playing? He has to! Jackson's injured and we need good players!" Miko panics.

"Relax, Stilinski. We have other players besides Scott and Jackson. Like the Lahey's or Danny" Darcie points out but Brooke shrugs.

"It's my first game, who knows how it'll go. And Isaac's good but he's never been much of a goal scorer, you know? I think he prefers to defend the others and let them score." Brooke brings up and Miko coos.

"Your brother is so cute" He smiles dreamily and Brooke scoffs, shaking her head in amusement.

"Well, I've seen you play. You must've done pretty well if Coach made you first line" Darcie bumps her shoulder encouragingly against Brooke's, sending her a smile. Brooke shrugs it off as they hear the bell ring.

"I've got to go. Art class with my sister. I'll tell you if anything changes" Darcie leaves and they both head to class.

"Hey, I was planning on heading to the hospital today" Miko brings up and Brooke sends him a look as they take their seats.

"Miko, we've talked about this. You can't force the hospital to give you a job. I get it, you want to help other people but it takes time to get into the medical field" Brooke points out and Miko shakes his head.

"No, no. I've got an interview there for the receptionist job. Sure, it's not like being a doctor or a nurse like I want to be, but it's a start" Miko explains and Brooke smiles.

"Woah, that's amazing. How'd you do it?" Brooke grins and Miko smiles mischeivously.

"Let's just say, it took a lot, and I mean a lot of convincing for Melissa to even consider it. But she did and now I'm getting an interview today, after school." Miko bounces excitedly and Brooke smiles.

"I'm excited for you, Mikky." Brooke leans across the way to pat him on the shoulder. 

"Yeah, I know. I can't wait to annoy the hell out of mama McCall" He smirks and Brooke laughs in amusement as class starts.


"My dad's here" Miko mutters as him and Brooke stand at his locker. Brooke was busy texting on her phone and looks up to see Miko no longer digging through his locker, but looking elsewhere, where his dad stood, talking with the principal and another deputy. 

"Why?" Brooke wonders curiously and Miko shrugs. "Come on" He closes his locker and waves for Brooke to follow him. She does so, the two walking side by side as they walk down the hall where his father stood, keeping their heads down as they walked and listened.

"We'd like to institute the curfew effective immediately" They hear Noah say as they pass by, Brooke and Miko sending each other looks. They head down the stairs, noticing Scott and Stiles also spying on Noah and Miko rushes towards them, Brooke moving to follow.

"-who actually killed the girl is just hanging out, doing whatever he wants" They hear Stiles say as they get closer. 

"Did you all hear about this curfew?" Miko asks and Scott and Stiles both turn to look at the pair. 

"Yeah, 9 p.m. Nothing you gotta worry about. You don't do much anyways" Stiles waves him off and Miko gapes.

"Actually, dude, I have an interview with Melissa later at the hospital" Miko says proudly and Scott raises an eyebrow over at him.

"My mom?" Miko nods.

"Yep. It's just front desk, but-" Stiles cuts his brother off.

"I've got something to do. I'll see you" He walks away, Miko frowning after him and Scott sends them a thumbs up before following after Stiles. Brooke pats his shoulder.

Sit Next To Me // Lydia MartinWhere stories live. Discover now