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Xylina Major-Limmo
Empires SMP, Season 1
(This will probably turn into more than a one shot later.)
Age: 15

"Mom?" I asked.
She looked at me. I held out a paper that said my name on it. At the top in neat Elvish, it read "Adoption Papers."
"Why do I have two last names?"
My mom snatched the paper, she looked angry."Where did you find this?" My two siblings watched everything unfold.
"F-Father asked me to arrange the files." I sat in a chair at the dinner table, ready to get smacked with one of Father's belt. Instead, her features softened.
"It's nothing, promise me you won't look through go the files."
I nodded, confused as to why. I never upheld that promise. I was a slender, light-skinned elf with black hair and naturally light-blue streaks in my hair. The rest of my family had slightly darker skin and blonde hair. I had always wondered if I wasn't related, but never thought I would be correct in that theory.
The adoption papers confirmed that. The papers also claimed I was five when I was adopted.
The next night I did exactly what I was told not to do. I, naturally, went digging through the files. I waited until I knew my parents were asleep lit a candle and snuck downstairs to when the papers are kept.
There were the adoption papers, old letters, small gifts, and other things that were supposed to go to me but my parents kept. I also found out I was five years older than I was told. I also found out that my parents forged my handwriting to send letters to my real parents. That angered me.
I stole letter after letter to read for the next two years until I was eighteen. That's when I confronted my parents.
"Mom, let me go back to my real home. I know I'm adopted."
This caught her off guard. "You're not adopted what are you talking about?"
I pulled out the adoption papers and old letters. "Yes, I am. Why did you hide it?"
"For your safety."
"Oh, so forgoing my handwriting in letters to my real parents is 'keeping me safe?'"
"Drop it." She looked annoyed.
"No, I'm going home, you can't change that." I turned around and walked away. She looked sad as I walked away, but I didn't feel any remorse. This was on her.
She grabbed my arm. "Just promise me you'll be careful and keep in touch."
I nodded reluctantly. I wanted nothing to do with my adoptive family anymore. I left the next morning and borrowed and elytra. It took a couple days flight to my real brother's kingdom.
I arrived at the doorstep and reluctantly knocked, scared to finally meet them. A man who looked about my age opened the door. He looked confused.
"Are you Scott Major?"

Yes, I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger. This is going to eventually become more then just a one-shot, stay tuned people. I loved writing every minute of this. I hope you enjoyed reading it ^^

520 Words

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