Roses are Red

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This is a prototype, hoping to turn this into the full thing. Just wanna try it out for kicks.

The thorny bushes surrounding the town were as green as ever, roses blooming from the prickly vines. The village was lush and nice, but we could never leave. Not ever. We were told that outside was nothing but a barren waste land. But..
What if that was a lie?
Those who left, never returned. Several people tried escaping over the wall. Some were just thrown out.
Like my real parents, not that I remember them.
The story goes that magic was thought to be terrible for one to have, that they would grow horns and, blah, blah, blah.
That's only true in some cases, but rumors run wild when you live in a small village. The village committee, who rule over all of us, kicks people out when they are suspected to have magic.
Thats what they did to my parents. Knowing the full story now, I can tell it much easier.
I sat in the schoolyard, carefully playing with my hair, trying to braid it, not that it was easy to do. Short arms, long hair, you do the math.
As a normal high school student would do, I caught wind of all the rumors, the bewest one being that there is someone new in town.
Okay, I know I said this would happen a long time ago. School has got me so stressed right now, it's really annoying. I might build off this, I might not.
254 words

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