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Rhine Labs found today particularly productive.
The Union Government was breathing down their necks, so of course they were productive. They rather not upset the Congress and they needed those government stimulus checks for the money and resources that will allow them to complete their projects.
And of course, as Kirsten Wright observed, one of these projects may be mundane and unusual to the uneducated eye on the outside.
But for Rhine Labs and the country as a whole, it was crucial for them to complete.
Launching a construct called a Satellite into the skies and beyond.
It sounded easy, but as her parents found out, trying to get beyond that strange barrier was forever tough, and their fire in the sky was forever encompassing that.
But latest developments in laser scanning technologies revealed something.
While scanning most of the skies will cause them to get a return, they find that in specific zones, there was something else.
The lasers did not return until a period much longer than the others, which caught their interest.
Kristen heard her scientists theorizing over the effectiveness of their design, if it would last in what is beyond the unknown. She hummed silently, as she looks at some computers near her.
The Fake Sky has forever hid a bunch from them, fields of study wasted because they could not stay the same.
But now they get to finally get the opportunity to take a peak through the fog, and finally see what has been hidden from their eyes. That was why there was such a productive mood today.
They can finally satiate their curiosity, or further embolden it with hunger.
But for Kristen, it was something that finally touches her appetite for adventure of the unknown, to finally see what was the anomaly that took down her parents.
And for her to finally know what exactly the damn thing was hiding.
There was a suite of instruments on there, cameras, communications, sensors, radios, all sorts of equipment.
She began to settle into her office, joined by no-one.
Her office was tidy, yet messy - if you could describe it. Organized Chaos is another term.
Paper scattered her desk, all of them either government paperwork - Curse the IRS - or various designs and blueprints that have fully caught her attention due to their unique designs.
She turned on her television, as her computer showed the countdown which was growing closer and closer to the final 5 minutes.
She took a few breaths, sipping down her coffee as a radio voice came forward. He was reporting on the status of the ship, showing that it was gradually getting ready.
if this goes well, perhaps they'd an prep their next ship to launch a proper structure up there, to explore the fake sky for themselves if this first mission goes well.
ETR: Once Impossible
Fanfiction1102 was a strange Year from Terra, and so was the preceding 4 others. The Doctor woke up from the Sarcophogas from usual, but there was something about him. Questions rose naturally, but in the current year, there was a problem. Kazdel and Reunion...