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"This person won a hula hooping competition in Cornwall when they were thirteen." Tennessee reads slowly walking to the table and picking up a paddle. "Guys, I've done my research on who's coming in. I already know the answer to this." Tennessee pats the paddle that's close to her chest. "It was also in the trailer," Danny tells her. "Was it?" The girl asks.

"My party trick is hula hooping." Joyce mocks what Ash's into was. "We're locked in." Tennessee nods as the light turns green, making the red team cheer. "As soon as she walks in she was like, thank fuck there's a hula hoop." George shakes his head putting it in his hands. "My hips don't lie." Ash laughs along with the housemates. "This person spilt a four-litre bottle of milk over themselves at a supermarket and cried all the way home." Kaci reads the screen.

"Now that's giving Danny." Kaci laughs. "This man is playing us." George shakes his head. "We're saying Danny, locked in." Kaci smiles. "How the... How does one manage that?" London asks as the blue team erupts in laughter. "Do you wanna know the worst part?" Danny asks his ex. "What?" London leans forward to look at him. "It only happened two weeks ago." Danny sighs. "Two weeks!" George shouts as everyone laughs.

"This person's cat was on James Corden's late-night show." Stars read, making London slightly look at Shannon. 'I didn't know what to put' Shannon mouths, making London shake her head. "This is so easy by the way, do you want me to ruin it or not?" Danny asks his teammates. "You're on our team!" Starts shouts. "Of course." Joyce laughs.

"Trust me." Danny hands a paddle to Stars. "And by the way it isn't your cat, it's... what's it called on court?" Danny looks at Shannon as she kneels on the sofa. "What's it called?" Danny says. "I took custody of the cat." Shannon laughs. "Custody. It's split custody of the cat." Danny nods. "Fuck off Danny!" Shannon smiles, looking back at London. "This man." She shakes her head. "I didn't need to go to court to keep my dog." London shrugs.

"Well, your ex sucks." Shannon laughs. "Yeah, he does." London nods. "We're locked in with Shannon." The red team say as they wait for the lights to turn a colour. "That was an easy one," Danny says as the lights turn green. "Poor Smudge, I relate. I might do some meditation with your car once we're out of the house." London turns to Shannon. "Smudge would love that." Shannon laughs.

"This person can do a handstand for ten minutes straight." Fu reads the facts of the board. "Is it this one? No!" Stars grabs Tennessee's paddle and throws it to the end of the table. "Is it this one? No!" He repeats it with Joyce's paddle making everyone laugh. He then picks up another one, looking at Watson acting like he's going to say his name. "No!" He then shouts throwing it. "Danny!" Fu then picks Danny's face up and looks at the man.

"Sugar, I'm licking in Danny." Fu puts the paddle back onto the table. "That was the first thing he told me today when I spoke to him." George laughs, making everyone agree. "It isn't that hard to hold a headstand though. I feel as though all of us in this house can do it." London smiles as everyone on her team cheers. "Are you going to teach us?" Ash looks at her. "Yeah, if you want me to. I can hold one for half an hour." She shrugs.

"This person danced for Usher." Watson reads out another fact about the blue team. "I know Ash used to dance," Joyce tells Watson. "Erm, Ash locked in." Watson holds up the paddle. "If it's not Ash, I'm a bumbaclart." Joyce holds her hands together. "Yeah!" Joyce stands up and then falls back onto the sofa when the lights turn green.

"Red team fact. This person was once chased by a tiny dog and ended up jumping in a river to get away from it." Ash reads out. "Who's that much of a wet bag?" London puts her finger on her chin as she looks at the group. "It's giving, Watson." Kaci mumbles, to London and Shannon. "I think Watson," Shannon tells the team.

"Oh, you say Watson?" Fu asked as he was about to say something. "Yeah." George agrees. "There's science behind this, let me explain," Fu says. "Okay, go on." Ash nods. "Star player, he's heritage and he's Somalian. They are scared of dogs." Fu explains. "Doesn't like dogs," Ash repeats. "I would give it to him if it was a chihuahua." London holds her hands out.

The Way I Loved You ~ Danny Aarons & George BaggsWhere stories live. Discover now