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"It could be really early and we wouldn't know," George says as he sits up in his bed. "Good morning my fellow housemates." London walks into the room with a towel around her wet head. "It could be like seven A.M." He adds. "I'm pretty sure it's later than that, George," London tells him as she walks over to her bunk. "No, it can't be Seven A.M, because the sun... it doesn't get light until like eight," Tennessee says from her bed, making London look at her.

"What world are you living in?" George asks shocked. "Do you wake up at seven A.M, because it's dark at the moment at seven." Tennessee continues to chat out of her arse. "It's not dark at seven A.M.," George tells her. "Yeah, it is." Tennesse laughs. "I wake up at six every morning and that's when the sun starts to rise," London tells the model.

"No, it does not!" Tennessee shakes her head. "Stars was up at six A.M. and said it was light." George points to the man. "And Moony would be right. Because that's when the sun comes out." London puts on a pair of shoes. "It was light at six A.M.? No way." Tennessee looks at Stars and ignores London. "I'm not saying like this." The man points out of the windows.

"I'm saying it started to get light, like... If that makes sense." Stars itches his beard. "Yeah, how about that." Tennessee laughs. "I don't think she likes you." Danny looks at London as the girl stands up and puts a coat on. "I don't care if she does. Her opinion means nothing to me, Danny Boy." The brunette winks at him. "And please brush your stinky breath!" She tells him before walking to the store room.

"Good morning London."

"Morning Sugar!" London shouts as she jumps into the chair with a smile on her face.

"You seem happy."

"I am. I'm a morning person if you couldn't tell."

"Definitely not."

"Oh m gee. Sugar do I hear some sarcasm there?"


"I'm so proud." London smiles, placing her hand on her chest. "Holly taught you good." She pretends to wipe a fake tear.

"What have you been up to this morning?"

"I have no clue when I woke up. But Stars said he woke up at six. He said I woke up like ten minutes after him. So after that, I had a little run around the garden for what I'm assuming was forty minutes." London looks up at the ceiling.

"You would not catch me doing that."

"That's what everyone tells me." London laughs at SugarLips' comment.

"Then I had a vegan yoghurt for breakfast. Because your girls a vegan. And had some orange juice. And I've just got out of the shower. Hence the towel." The brunette points to the towel wrapped around her hair.

"You're a very proactive person."

"Thank you, Sugar. I'm going to join Shannon for a workout in a minute." The twenty-one-year-old smiles.

"I could never."

"Well Shannon and I go on runs quite frequently, maybe you should join sometime?" London offers.

"I think I'd pass on that. Thank you though, London."

"Okay, suit yourself." London holds her hands up.

"If Holly were to run with you. Maybe I would."

"Ha, you'd never find Holly going on a run willingly." London lets out a laugh.

The Way I Loved You ~ Danny Aarons & George BaggsWhere stories live. Discover now