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"How are you running already?" George asks London as he walks outside to see the brunette running around the garden. "I've been doing it for five years. Wake up and run. I used to do it with my dad but, he's a bit too old now and I live alone." She tells him. "Can I run with you?" He asks. "Yeah, sure, come on." She waves him over.

"So why do you run?" The Baggs boy wonders. "You're not really supposed to talk while running, as it makes you out of breath quicker. But for me it's just, calming. I have the chance to wake up to the beauty of nature. And it wakes me up for the rest of the day, without needing coffee to survive." The girl winks. "You don't drink coffee?" George gasps.

"No, I'm more of a healthy smoothie and water girl. It's just because my anxiety gets worse when I drink coffee, and obviously, drinking tea as well makes my sleep schedule fucked." The woman sighs. "Ahh, that's fair then. What about energy drinks?" The influencer yawns, as he keeps up with the girl's pace. "I hate them, so much unneeded sugar in there. Diabetes runs on both sides of the family, so I don't want to risk anything." London speeds up a little bit.

"Why are you running faster!" George raises his voice a bit. "To prove my point, to all the people who are watching this thinking I'm waffling." London smiles. "Your breathing pattern hasn't even changed." The man breathes heavily. "You vape as well, don't you Georgie boy?" London turns around and starts running backwards, keeping her eyes on him, watching as he nods.

"What benefits does that give you? Apart from giving you a dry mouth and throat, headaches and irritation in the throat. And the obvious one, shortness of breath." London motions to George, before spinning around and running faster. "You're on your own now!" George shouts as he walks back to the patio out of breath.

"You really love her, don't you?" Tennessee asks Danny, as she sees him staring at the field his eyes trained on his ex-girlfriend and George. "I do, I never stopped." Danny sighs. "Why don't you try and make her jealous?" Tennessee questions. "What?" Danny scoffs, turning his head to the girl in jail. "Yeah, that's what she's trying to do." The girl points at George and London.

"You don't know, London, Tennessee. She wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone someone's feelings. She is the most selfless person I know, and is probably just giving George some advice." Danny shrugs, turning to look back outside. Before the woman can open her mouth, Danny is already talking. "And if I were to make her jealous, it would not be with the help of you. In fact, I would stay well away from you." He laughs, walking away.

"Hey Ten, how was your sleep?" London smiles, as she walks into the house after her run. "I mean, it wasn't the best. If Fu hadn't given me this robe, I honestly think I might've died." The model laughs, opening the door, of the jail. "It was cold." London nods before Sugarlips' voice can be heard.

"Tennessee, her back into jail. I decide when you get let out."

"You heard the woman." London giggles, as Ten scrambled back into the cell. "I thought it was just for the night." The girl sighs, sitting back on the camping bed she slept on. "That is peak, I wonder how long she'll be before you're allowed out." The Coyle girl sits on the floor beside the jail and leans her head back on the wall. "Hopefully not long." The model groans.

"I'm sorry." Tennessee sighs as she slides down the wall next to London, with only the cell separating them. "With what?" The Coyle girl questions. "For kind of being a dick." The elder girl smiles sheepishly. "Oh don't worry about it. We are all in a new environment and barely know each other. It can be overwhelming for some, just if you're a bitch to me, just know I'm going to be a bitch back." London smiles back.

"I wouldn't want it any other way, London." Tennessee laughs. "Gotta stick up for myself you know. No one else is going to do it." The fashion designer shrugs. "Hey, London. If I ever have another fight, will you design my outfit?" Tennessee asks the girl as they stand up. "I don't know, maybe if we become friends." London nods. "Are we not friends already?" Ten laughs. "I would say we're acquaintances." London shrugs, walking away from the prison.

The Way I Loved You ~ Danny Aarons & George BaggsWhere stories live. Discover now