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"No, she didn't. She said 'Here are the cuffs.' We were like ooo, fun. We were having a discussion about what was the most dominant hand for each person, and she went five, four, and I thought we were going to get disqualified, so we were like woah." Ash explains to the housemates as they sit in the living room. "Do you opt for bot..." Danny starts a sentence but gets cut off by the notification sound.

"Fucking hell, mate," Danny says after jumping in the seat. "You fucking pussy." London scoffs standing off the sofa. "Now that is not very nice, language. London." Danny tells the woman. "Suck it up, Danny." London shakes her head. "That's what she said!" Joyce shouts from behind them. "This is a family-friendly channel!" Both London and Danny turn around to look at the presenter.

"They are made for each other." Ash laughs. "She can do better." George shrugs. "What like you?" Ash turns to the man. "I mean... yeah... why not." The youngest Baggs shrugs. "Aww, George is jealous." Shannon sticks out her bottom lip. "Shannon shut up." George shakes his head. "I think he has a chance." Kaci nods.

"Thank you, Kaci." George smiles at the eighteen-year-old. "I wouldn't even waste my time if I was you. But I won't be in your way if you want to try and hit it off with her." Shannon raises her arms. "Thank you for that. It means a lot." George smiles. "She'll probably choose Danny though," Shannon adds. "Shannon please shut up," George begs. "It's the truth, but okay." The girl shrugs as everyone enters the challenge area.

"Ahh, please let me be the one who moves the metal around the squiggles." Danny turns to London as they see their challenge. "You're having a giggle. I'm not allowing you to do that." The brunette shakes her head as they sit down on the bench. "Hey." Tennessee smiles, as she sits next to London. "Hello." The twenty-one-year-old smiles awkwardly.

"For the blue team, playing buzz-wire is, George and Ash."

"You've got this." Shannon claps her hands as she looks at the two. "I reckon they'll be really good." London shrugs. "No, you need to focus on this team and how well we will do." Tennessee shakes her head making London sigh, rolling her eyes.

"For the red team, is London and Danny."

"I told you!" Fu shouts from the other side of the room. "I'm moving the metal." Danny shrugs. "No, you are not." London glares at him.

"Housemates, you must now choose who's getting attached to the shock machine."

"I think my hands are more steadier." Danny looks at the brunette. "Are you joking with me?" London leans back. "He's a gamer," Tennessee says. "And I make clothes, do you know how much of a steady hand you need to use a needle and thread?" London looks throughout her group. "She has a point." Stars points to the girl. "I still think it should be Danny," Joyce says.

"You just want to see me in pain." London glares at Joyce. "Kinda yeah. It will be fun to watch." The presenter laughed. "I thought we were friends Joyce." London frowns. "We are!" Joyce wraps her arm around the sitting girl.

"George and Ash, who is getting attached to the shock machine?"

"Georgey porgie," Ash reveals as the boy holds his hand up. "I'm going to piss." George shakes his head.

"London and Danny, who is getting attached to the shock machine?"

"If I say I'm on my period would you still make me do it?" London sceptically asks. "No." Danny shakes his head. "Then sorry I can't do it. I'm on my period." London lies. "You are such a bullshitter." Danny laughs. "I thought it would work." London shakes her head. "We've chosen London!" Joyce shouts, shaking the girl's shoulders. "I'm so thrilled." London sarcastically says, mustering up her best smile.

The Way I Loved You ~ Danny Aarons & George BaggsWhere stories live. Discover now