II. Breakups Happen Every Day You Don't Have To Lose It.

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Breakups happen everyday you don't have to lose it
. Chapter two

Caitlin Foord invited herself into Ophelias room, unfazed by her Australian teammates actions, Ophelia continued to stare down at her phone, articles that read out their ideas of what could've caused the breakup between the WOSO 'power' couple, Ophelia Conklin and Lucy Bronze.

Seeing the articles written on Ophelia's brightened screen, Caitlin rolled her eyes "they're pathetic pieces of shits who just want to start more drama Ophy, don't listen to any of the bullshit they say."

Ophelia sighed in return, clicking the sleep button on her phone. She placed in face down. "I'm just curious on what they all believe happened."

"So what did actually happen?" Caitlin hestitantly questioned, reaching a hand out to Ophelia as Caitlin shifted herself into a laying position in Ophelia bed, she gave her teammate a soft squeeze in the hand. "You can tell me."

Ophelia's face inverted into a deep frown. "You have to promise me you won't tell anyone, I don't want anything bad getting out there, for both Lucy and I. Not a single person knows apart from Lucy and I. Please Cait. Promise me you won't tell anyone"

Caitlin stuck out her pinky finger "I won't tell a soul."

Ophelia's knew all too well about her trust she placed in the hands of Caitlin Foord, they had always been like this, close. They were friends from the very start, Ophelia placed every bit of her heart in the hands of Caitlin Foord without knowing. Ophelia nodded her head, linking their pinkies together.

"It was bad, all we were doing was fighting. We spent months in a constant argument, we couldn't even stay in the same apartment towards the end of it. It was bad, we couldn't be around each other for more than ten minutes without fighting. We fought in person and through text. No matter where I was I couldn't escape it, everything was so frustrating. She kept on disappearing for nights on end before she moved out, sometimes she would come back drunk, nights before a game. All because she couldn't stand being sober around me any longer and I couldn't blame her, because I found drinking to be so much easier than talking to her too. And I know what you're thinking Cait. Luce and I are athletes. Drinking is such a bad habit and can really impact us. I know that. I regret it so much."

"I couldn't do it Cait. Neither could she. Being together for the amount of time we were, it was eight years too long. Being around each other every day, playing for the same team. Nothing was working, we were collapsing every second of every hour of every day until we had the fight that broke us off. The entire team went out after winning a major game, no one was supposed to be drinking as much as we had but when the first lot of drinks were ordered no one could stop us. . . Lucy was the only person who didn't drink, and she didn't, because she wasn't around me. She was around Kiera. She didn't leave Kieras side the entire night."

"Call me oblivious for not realising it sooner, but Lucy had lost feelings for me completely, unknowningly, I had for her aswell. She was in love with Kiera; as I was in love with someone completely different. I was so stubborn to think things could've been okay after awhile. You should've seen the way she was when she was with Kiera, hell — even when she was with the other girls. She was so happy, and then when she looked at me everything changed. Caitlin she looked at me like she hated me, because part of her did, knowing I was utterly falling for someone else. She knew that. You could tell she knew that. Neither of us realise how toxic we were together until things ended."

"Our relationship didn't end on good terms, we fought to the very end. Lucy and I stopped loving each other before it was even heard in our tones. But I can't lie and say she wasn't the person I loved more. I just wasn't her person. I have to live with that now." Ophelia finished as she choked back a sob. A silent tear falling freely down her red cheeks.

Caitlin's eyes shifted into a soft gaze as she looked up at the girl "I'm so sorry Ophy, you deserve to feel like you are someone's person. You deserve it more than anyone, so I'm telling you that you are."

"If it's not Taylor Swift, I don't care who" Ophelia joked.

Caitlin rolled her eyes. "Definitely not Taylor Swift."

"Fuck you" Ophelia gasped "you can leave now."

"Oh wow" Caitlin laughed "being kicked out already? I just wanted to spend time with my favorite psychopath"

Ophelia knitted her brows "the jokers a fictional character Cait. Keep dreaming."

"You look like the joker. So close enough" Caitlin shrugged with a smirk.

Ophelia's jaw dropped, she pointed at her door "okay seriously, out you go. I left the toxic energy behind when I moved here."

Caitlin rolled her eyes again, standing up from the bed "hey. . . Who was the person?"

Ophelia hummed in questioned

Caitlin took a deep breath "the person you were talking about, the one you were in love with. Who is it?"

Ophelia smiled. Trying not to crack herself dead with laughter as she replied with "Katie McCabe."

Caitlin scrunched up her face. "Not the weird fucking Irish chick."


Chapter looks super short but it's longer than the last chapter so that must mean something ig. I wanted Ophelia and Lucy to end on bad terms without making either of them bad people so Yolo. Ophelia is so in love with Caitlin that she gaslights herself to believe she's not.

Ophelia ─ Caitlin Foord Where stories live. Discover now