IV. Uno & Near Death Experiences

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☥.                                                   chapter four

"This is fucking bullshit!"

Beth shrugs "you just suck."

Katie groans, shoving her head against the table "this game sucks."

"You know the rules, pick up sixteen cards." Caitlin laughs.

"How the fuck do you all have so many +2's? Where the hell are all of mine?" Katie complained, slowly picking up sixteen cards out of the uno pile "rigged, Ophelia it's your fucking shuffling I swear."

Ophelia shrugs, patting the angry Irish on the shoulder "I just hate you."

Katie scoffs "yeah, I fucking figured."

"You need to wash your tongue out!" Viv furrows her brows, using her motherly tone "the amount of f-bombs you've dropped during this game is atrocious Katie McCabe."

"It's her fucking fault" Katie pointed at Beth, changing the person to blame "if she didn't put the last fucking +2 on, then she would've gotten the stack—"

"And we would've heard it from her instead." Steph laughed "Beth sounds innocent when she swears, you're funny with your accent."

"It's her Fookin' foult!" Caitlin mocks Katie's Irish accent.

"Ophelia's, get your fucking girlfriend in check" Katie yelled angrily

"The fuck did poor little Leah do?" Ophelia joked.

Katie grumbled something under her breath "I hate you all. You know what? Giving you all fucking ice baths tomorrow. Karma is coming for you bitches."

"Katie" Viv sternly says

"Sorry mom" Katie drags out. "Look how many fucking cards I have! No one should have more than ten cards max, why do I have double that?"

"Because you suck" Ophelia replied, placing a green four down.

"I'm about to fucking murder you" Katie cussed out.

Caitlin leaned towards Ophelia "how many times can the angry leprechaun say fucking?"

Ophelia shrugged with a small smile "don't test her, it's gonna be stuck in my head all day."

"Great. I'm gonna hear an Irish Ophelia for the rest of my life." Caitlin joked.

"Only for the word Fucking. Fookin'" Ophelia found herself giggling

"What are you two whispering about?" Beth raises her brows, questioning them with a teasing look.

"She's mocking Katie" Caitlin throws the latter under the bus. Dropping her cards to burst out in laughter as the group watches Katie slowly turn her head towards the Australian.

"You have three seconds."

Ophelia knew better than to not run. She got out of her chair as fast as possible, she ran around the table, using Steph as a protective shield "why is there a fucking angry leprechaun after me? Will I get a pot of gold from this?"

"The only fucking rainbow around here is my cards" Katie yelled, getting up from her chair, glaring at the two Australians "when I catch you—"

"Bets on Ophelia." Beth snorts. She places a green eight down "uno, by the way."

"Please" Caitlin rolled her eyes "if Ophy doesn't find a good place to hide; she's dead meat. You'd think she's asthmatic if you ever saw her run more than she's used to."

Katie stalked around the table, Ophelia backed away from Steph and ended up at Caitlin "you started this! Caitlin do something, I'm gonna have nightmares."

Caitlin shrugged, looking up at the girl "sorry love, wish I could help, but this is your battle." 

The three sitting down and Katie had caught onto her choice of nickname. Katie came to a stop in her tracks. The four letting out small gasps of giggles as Caitlin widened her eyes, a faint blush painted itself over her cheeks.

"The fuck?" Ophelia questioned, completely confused "well for god sake, I'm gonna go watch frozen with Lotte and Leah."

"You do that, love" Katie laughed loudly, Caitlin grabbed the nearest thing, which was Ophelias empty cup of water and threw it at the Irish girl. Watching as it bounced off her head. "I'm gonna murder you."

The door shut behind Ophelia as she left the room. "You're so in love with her man" Katie teased, pinching Caitlin's cheeks "such a cutie pie."

"I am not" Caitlin quickly replied, slapping Katie's hands away. Her eyes lingered over the others, who were all giving her the same look "come on guys, she's Ophy, we're Ophy and Cait, Cait and Ophy. I can't ruin that."

"Pussy!" Beth mouthed.

"Come on Beth, she just got out of an relationship, she's like — in love with a completely different person—"

"No she's not." Steph shook her head "Cait, like you said, she's Ophy. Ophy's as easy to read as a kindergarten book. She's been done with Lucy for months, like she's completely finished that chapter, you need to be apart of the next one or you'll miss the entire book and be a torturous slowburn!"

Caitlin raised her brows "since when did books become a part of this?"

Steph shrugged "it sounded poetic"

"I think you should shoot your shot" Beth inputted

"Like a basketball!" Katie mimicked the action of shooting a ball "boom! In the hoop!"

Caitlin rolled her eyes "I'm not taking any of your advice, I'd rather ask Sam what to do."

"Sam?" Steph raised her brows "Sams to chicken to ask Kristie to marry her, im happily engaged Caitlin. Trust me, I know what to do."

"Yeah! And somehow i scored this one" Viv pointed at Beth with a proud smile "I can help you!"

"Guys! You're not seeing my point, shes Ophelia. Taking her on a date either means I have to walk around the aquarium for an entire day, watching her point and teach me about fish, or we watch all the monster high movies in her room."

"Okay?.  .  ." Katie drifted off, finally sitting back down "Caitlin, I'm not seeing your point? What's wrong with taking her out to the aquarium or watching the monster high movies with her?"

Caitlin groaned "I love Ophelia, I really do, but I don't want to hear her talk about fish on a day that's supposed to be romantic, or to hear about her major crush on Cleo during all the movies."

"I do suppose hearing about fish isn't the most romantic conversation to have." Viv grimaced "You could take her to a butterfly cage?"

"Maybe I just wait till Australia, and take her to sea world, or Australia zoo" Caitlin proposed "if, I do take her."

"That's weeks away!" Katie threw her arms in the air "don't do this to me Caitlin, this feels like torture waiting for one of you to make a move."

"For god sake; I'm going to watch frozen with them" Caitlin stood up.

"Yeah, go cuddle your girlfriend while you're at it!"

Caitlin raised her arm, flipping Beth off.


Maisie speaks!

Am I moving them too fast? Definitely. Do I care? Not one bit.

I felt bad for not updating for weeks so I'm trying to update as much as I can before I fall into another slump. Love y'all

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