VI. Must be love

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A knock on Ophelia's door drew her attention away from her mirror. Turning on the heels of her feet, her hand grasping the knob of her door. Opening it to meet the face of Caitlin "I'm pleased you know how to knock."

Caitlin cleared her throat "I didn't want to run the risk of walking in on something I shouldn't." She chuckled

Her eyes fawned across Ophelia's body, starting at the white shoes she wore, continuing her gaze up to the girls flowy plain white dress, with small straps holding it up, to her curled hair neatly framed around her face, and her face that held a light coat of makeup. "You look gorge— nice. You look nice. It's different from your usual"

Ophelia smiled at the clear slip up, turning her heels to face the mirror "do you like the white dress? Or should I go with another colour? What's Steph wearing."

"Stephs not coming anymore" Caitlin formed her "something came up, she won't say what."

Caitlin, Steph and Ophelia planned to meet up with some of the other Aussie londoners for dinner that night.

Ophelia nodded her head "okay.  .  . Seriously are we thinking white or a colour?"

"You'll probably spill something on that white dress." Caitlin rolled her eyes

Ophelia furrowed her brows "no I won't!"

"Right" Caitlin laughed "I'll go grab you a jacket, just in case.  .  . We're leaving in five."

"What!" Ophelia gasped "Caitlin! More warning please, I'm not done with my makeup! I look terrible."

"You look fine Ophy" Caitlin replied "don't waste our time on makeup, the others will kick our asses if we're late! For the love of god Ophelia put the eyeliner down before you mess it up and make us four hours late!"


A black leather jacket was thrown on Ophelia's lap when she sat down in Caitlin's car. She rolled her eyes "you have no faith in me."

Caitlin nodded her head, agreeing "you'll thank me later."

Ophelia didn't reply, deciding to connect her phone to Caitlin's Bluetooth. Starting up 'everywhere' by Niall horan.

"You walk into the room I go quiet. I catch your eyes and don't blink an eyelid. Feels like the world locked us on an island. An island without waves"

Ophelia finally sighed "if you weren't a footballer, what would you be."

Caitlin raised her brows "you've asked me that question hundreds of times, I thought we were pass that stage."

"I try and try to forget you. But your mother thinks that I'm the best for you. Try and try to erase you. But, you won't disappear"

"Okay. . . If you weren't a human, what animal would you be?" Ophelia questioned

"You can't be serious" Caitlin scoffed

"Feels like every time I turn a corner. You're standing right there. Over my shoulder, you're everywhere. I swear it's hard to think. It's hard to breathe when you're in the air. I try to run, but you're everywhere I go. When I think I'm all alone
And my heart's under control. Why is loving you not fair?. You're everywhere"

Ophelia ─ Caitlin Foord Where stories live. Discover now