V. Ophelia, The Girlfriend Stealer

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☥. chapter five

Caitlin walked into Ophelia's room. Throwing herself onto the girls bed.

Ophelia looked up from the book in her hand "do you mind?"

"No" Caitlin smiled "I want to watch a movie."

"You have another housemate, and plenty of other friends around to watch a movie with." Ophelia reminded her

"Okay? But none of them let me commitate it like you do" Caitlin replied "I'm thinking the conjuring two."

"No." Ophelia quickly replied "how about, the titantic?"

"You just want to see me cry again"

Ophelia smiled "yes, yes you are correct Cait. I do. The groupchat loved it last time."

Caitlin's face dropped "you showed the groupchat? Wait — there's another groupchat without me! You bitches."

Ophelia shrugged "there's many group chats without you, Cait."

"And you're telling me this now!" Caitlin threw her hands into the air "the ultimate betrayal."

"Cry me a river."

"The house would flood."

"Caitlin." Ophelia sighed. Placing the book down "sometimes I wonder what goes on in that pretty little head of yours."

"You think I'm pretty?" Caitlin shows a teasing smile as she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Sure. But you'll never reach the beauty of Sofia Carson playing Evie in the second descendants movie."

"Well fuck you" Caitlin scoffed, slapping the latter on the leg "here I was, thinking I was actually getting a compliment from the Ophelia Conklin. Instead, she led me on to get my heartbroken!"

Ophelia shrugged "sounds like a you problem, Cait"

Caitlin rolled her eyes "yeah yeah, it's getting unoriginal now, and you're boring me off. What movie are we watching?"

Ophelia raised her brows. Caitlin sighed.

The two sat with their backs against Ophelia's wall, her pillows making their position comfortable as the titantic played on her tv screen.

"For heavens sake, the things I would do for Jack. . . The things he could do to me."

Caitlin furrowed her brows "love, you're lesbian. . . And he's dead."

"Every lesbian has her one free card. Jack Dawnson is mine — and Bellamy Blake, and Aaron Warner, and Rhys from both a court of thorns and roses and twisted games, oh for fuck sake I would do anything for Caleb Rivers. Caitlin I think men are beginning to change who I am."

Caitlin raised her brows "you're not turning straight on me, are you?"

Ophelia scoffed "Kate is beyond my reach, so beautiful, I would do anything for Octavia Blake, Juliette and Hanna Marin. I'm definitely still into chicks."

Caitlin hummed "you confuse me."

"I confuse myself."

Caitlin laughed "shut up and watch the movie."

"Get me popcorn."

"I'm not getting you—"

Ophelia smiled as Caitlin handed her a bowl of freshly made popcorn. Focusing back onto the movie, she enjoyed moments like these. Eating popcorn and watching movies. She loved movies. She fell into their trap and became a victim to the film world. So much so, that she forgot about the world around her. Even Caitlin, until the blue eyed let out a loud sob as the end of the movie came to be.

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