I. You've Been On My Mind Girl Since The Flood

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You've been on my mind
girl since the flood
.            Chapter one

To have three Aussies Share an apartment was not a good idea.

"Who the actual fuck ate the last piece of bread?" Ophelia loudly questioned. Alerting the other two Australians who sat at the bench of their kitchen. Steph Catley and Caitlin Foord look at one another, pointing figures quickly.

"Bitches" Ophelia scoffed. Throwing the bread bag out, she opened up their pantry. Pouring ceral into a bowl before pouring the milk.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Caitlin commented "is little miss perfect not a morning bird?"

Ophelia shot the girl a glare.

Steph chuckled "I think she's just afraid of joining her new team. Which I would love for you to tell us who."

Ophelia shook her head "nope. Not happening, you can all find out when it's posted."

"Dickhead" Caitlin rolled her eyes "so glad I ate the last piece of bread. You don't deserve any."

Steph thought out loud for a moment "if I was a girl, fresh out of a breakup, what England team would I move to?"

"Wait — wait — what. Fresh out of a breakup?" Caitlin shouted. She turned to Ophelia with a questioning look "what the fuck does Steph mean by 'fresh out of a breakup?'"

Ophelia grimaced. Realising she had forgotten to tell Caitlin. "Yeah. . . Suprise?" She raised her arms into the hair, twirling her fingers around.

"You can't just drop a bomb like that" Caitlin exclaimed "how did it even happen?"

Ophelia shrugged "we fought. It's too hard being in a relationship with someone in the same team as you. Mark my words, never date your teammate."

"There goes my Friday night plans" Caitlin sighs

Ophelia picked up a plastic cup, throwing it at her Matildas teammate. It hit Caitlin's head, which sparked the girl up, causing her to yell a 'hey' loudly.

Ophelia placed her bowl in the sink "you know, for how mean you are, you're voice is way to polite" she commented towards Caitlin.

"Your voice annoys me" Caitlin replies.

"Here we go again" Steph cries out, getting up from her seat. She silently walked away, entering her room.

Ophelia and Caitlin looked at one another "look what you did!" Caitlin starts

"Oh?" Ophelia's scoffs "I did that? She walked away after you spoke up!"

"It's always my fault" Caitlin exclaimed "go live somewhere else. I regret allowing you to move in with us."

"You don't even pay rent" Ophelia crossed her arms "I'll take away your rights to my Netflix account."

"Fuck you. I hope you find out you're adopted" Caitlin replied

"Hope Aresenal drops your fake ass"



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Ophelia ─ Caitlin Foord Where stories live. Discover now