VII. Certified Debut Protecter

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"Your certified debut protecter reporting for duty"

Steph raised her brows "since when did you listen to debut?"

"Since I decided that the youngings deserve to have their story said" Ophelia smiled, taking a seat on a large round table in Arsenals gathering room. "No, I just started listening to debut and i love it."

Leah, on the opposite side of the table perked up at the sound of her favourite Taylor swift album "really?"

"No" Ophelia replied "it's okay."

Leah frowned "stop giving me mixed signals!"

"Start understanding my signals!" Ophelia raised her arms into the air

Steph sighed "Ophelia, it's ten am, why are you talking about debut with us?"

Ophelia huffed, her fingers intertwining with one another "what's Caits favourite Taylor Swift album?" She mumbled

"What?" Leah questioned

Ophelia gulped "what's Caits favourite Taylor swift album?"

"Why?" Leah asked with raised brows

"Don't turn this into a interrogation Leah." Ophelia replied sternly "please just answer the question" she begged.

"Lover." Steph answers "why?"

Ophelia groaned "so I forced myself to listen to the full debut album for nothing!"

"Did you think Caitlin's favourite album was debut?" Steph laughed "and you spent time to listen to it? You're down bad."

Ophelia shoved her face into the table "i only listened to it in case it was her favourite so I would understand things she says about it."

"And because you're in love with her" Leah added

"What?" Ophelia shot back up "seriously, Leah? I am not in love with Cait. She's my bestfriend."

"Ophelia, it's just us." Steph whispered "We both know already, we're not gonna be shocked when you tell us."

"I'm not gonna lie to your face and tell you I love Caitlin" Ophelia replied harshly

"Your lying to our faces by telling us you aren't" Leah leaned back into her chair while crossing her arms "I love you, but I'm beginning to think you might be a pathological liar."

Ophelia's face dropped, her shoulders slumped and she wasted no time getting up from her seat. "I'm not a pathological liar Leah. I'm not in love with Caitlin. I just got out of a long term relationship—"

"That you were in love with her during" Leah interrupted

"Are you not listening to me? I'm not in love with her" Ophelia finally snapped

"Why are you getting so defensive then?" Steph questioned

Ophelia couldn't find the words to reply, her heart was beating at an insanely quick speed and her mind was going crazy. All she could do was shake her head before exiting the room, she was mad at them, were they right? Yes. She didn't like anyone knowing, Ophelia never wanted to tell anyone, it was a secret she wanted to take to the grave. She wouldn't give them the satisfaction of knowing when she hating knowing it herself.

The thought of ruining their relationship was everything that cost Ophelia the confidence to speak up to tell Caitlin.

She didn't want to date her teammate, she learnt how bad that was when dating Lucy. The more time they spent with each other the more they lost their love, teammates were strictly off limits for herself. She was doing everything to try and stop the feelings forming for Caitlin. It would go someday, and she just had to keep fighting until that day came.


Ophelia's eyes danced along to the words on her page, the black ink swept into the firm paper of her book. Her speaker playing the lover album on repeat as she turned the pages, falling further into her own world.

She was interrupted by Caitlin. Whom she tried to ignore yet desperately failed. She finally caved in, placing her book down, looking up to meet Caitlin's eyes "can I help you?"

"Why are you mad with Steph and Leah?" Caitlin quickly asked

Ophelia scoffed, picking her book back up instead of answering. She went to open the page when it was snatched from her "Caitlin!" She snapped

"Why are you mad at them?" Caitlin questioned again "what did they do wrong? Do I either have to force you to apologize for being a bitch or do I have to force them to?"

"Neither, don't get involved." Ophelia answered

"I'm involved when it's about me" Caitlin replied

"It's not about you"

"Yes it is."

"Are you that self centered that you think you're all everyone talks or thinks about?" Ophelia asked, annoyed and frustrated

"Probably.  .  . Also they told me" Caitlin smiled teasingly "so, you want to explain what's going on?"

"Nothing, okay? They have a story completely wrong and they shouldn't be getting you involved in it" Ophelia grumbled "I don't want you involved."

"Why not?" Caitlin frowned "why can't I be apart of this."

"It's not your problem to solve." Ophelia replied "it'll all mean nothing some day."

"Don't say that." Caitlin spoke, her voice barely above a whisper

Ophelia furrowed her brows "did they.  .  . What did they tell you?" She questioned, fear beginning to eat her up from the inside

"Just that you were upset with them and that it was about me" Caitlin lied through her teeth, unknowing to the latter. "Please just tell me, I can go grab Steph by the ear and force her to cook some enchiladas as a sorry."

Ophelia smiled sadly "it's not something you can help with. Its a me problem"



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I'll leave this here.

I love debut and was actually listening to it during writing this chapter but I can't picture Ophelia liking debut. Sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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