Chapter 10 - Finn

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3rd Person

It didn't take long to get Finn's school, only about ten minutes, and Will parked his car and walked up to the reception, his fingers tugging nervously at the bottom of his sleves. No matter how old he got he was still terrified to talk to new people.

He pushed open the doors gently and walked in, going up to the woman at the front desk.

"What's up, darling?" The woman spoke kindly, giving him a small smile.

Will instantly felt at ease and gave her a weak smile back, his fingers no longer twirling around the loose string on his sleeves.

"I need to pick up my son for an appointment. His name is Finn Wheeler." He told her, and she nodded softly.

"He'll be down in a few minutes, you can take a seat over there." She gestured to the small sitting area in the corner of the room.

"Thank you." Will nodded, smiling at her before walking over to the table and sitting on the small chair next to it.

He got out his phone and saw a text off of Max, and he frowned slightly, not sure why she'd be texting him.

'I just realized I took home ur cig packet' - Max had told Will.

Will rolled his eyes and replied back to her, telling her she can keep it.

'WOOO THANKS' - Max cheered, and Will let out a small giggle.

The doors opposite the entrance of the reception opened, making Will look up, and he saw his son walking in with his teacher behind him.

Finn looked around nervously, before spotting Will, a huge grin spreading across his face. He wiggled out of his teachers grip and ran over to Will, giving him a big bear hug.

"Hi!" Finn grinned, his baby teeth showing.

"Hi sweetheart." Will chuckled, scooping him up.

"Have a good day." Will gave the woman at the desk a small smile.

"You too, hun." She smiled back at him.

Will left the building, Finn still in his arms, and Will looked down at him.

"You ready for some more lessons?" Will questioned.

"They are boring!" Finn whined, and Will sighed softly.

"I know, baby, but you need help with your speech."  Will told him, and he frowned.

"No. I'm a big boy. I fine." He crossed his arms, making Will smile.

"I know you are, but even big boys need help sometimes." Will told him, opening the door to his car and helping Finn in, buckling his seatbelt.

He shut the car door and went over to the driver's side, getting in and buckling his own seatbelt. As she shut the door Finn began speaking.

"I don't want more lessons." He announced, and Will looked down at him.

"You need them, plus it's only one hour a week. I'm not canceling them." He told his son, who scowled.

"Not fair. Dad won't make me do lessons." He pouted, slumping back in his seat. Will rolled his eyes and started the car.

"That's because your dad is way too soft on you! Now stop complaining. You'll thank me when you're older." Will scoffed as he began driving.

"Can music go on?" Finn looked up at his dad.

"Yeah, of course." He smiled softly, not taking his eyes off of the road.

"Yay!" He cheered, and he tried to remember how Will had taught him to turn on Spotify through the car.

He managed to turn it on and scrolled through both Will and Mike's playlists, not entirely sure what he was looking at.

He saw a playlist with his name and clicked it, not sure what to do now.

"Daddy, what do I do?" He frowned, looking up at his father.

"I'll look in one second, hold on.." Will muttered, waiting until he got to the red light.

He stopped and looked down at his son, glancing at what he was doing.

"Oh, just pick a song. Look, I'll show you." Will told him, showing him how to pick a song from the playlist.

Finn grinned and nodded, looking through all of the songs on the playlist. They were mostly Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey, as Finn had heard Mike listening to them and liked their songs.

He also liked Melanie Martinez, as Will mostly listened to her, but Will wasn't sure her sonts were very appropriate for him as he was only young.

"Hmmm.." He stuck his tongue out slightly as he concentrated, making the difficult decision of what song to pick.

He ended up just clicking a random song, and he ended up playing 'ME!' by Taylor Swift. Will hummed slightly, liking his son's song choice.

They ended up getting to the speech place as the song was close to ending, and Will stopped the car, making Finn whine.

"Finish the song! Please!" He begged, and Will almost gave in.

"..We can't be late, we can finish it after." He sighed, helping him out of the car.

"Awe.." He pouted, and Will laughed softly.

They both walked into the building, hand in hand, and Finn instantly clinged to his dad. He wrapped his small arm around Will's leg, making it hard for him to walk.

"Come here, I'll just pick you up." Will laughed softly.

He picked up his son and held him in one arm, gently rubbing his back.

"It's okay, baby. You don't need to worry." He whispered, looking over at his son's face.

"I am worry." He shook his head, and Will smiled softly.

"You don't need to worry, I'll be with you the whole time." Will told him, and he nodded softly.

"I still get treat after?" He asked, looking hopeful.

"Of course, you're very brave doing this." Will nodded.

"Yes, I so brave." He grinned, his mood lifted.

"Finn Wheeler?" A woman with a gentle-looking face looked around the room.

"Yes, that's us." Will gave her a small smile, and Finn's head instantly shot towards Will. He wrapped his arms around Will's neck, digging his face in Will's neck.

"I'm scared." He whispered.

"It's okay, she's a very nice lady. She won't get mad at you." Will reassured him, bringing him into the room with the lady.

The room was quite cosy, and the woman was sat down at her desk with some cards in front of her, smiling softly at the two of them.

"I'm so sorry, he get's a bit nervous meeting new people." Will smiled apologetically, sitting down on the chair in front of her desk.

"That's okay, whenever he is ready we cam start." She told Will.

"Thank you." He nodded, before turning to Finn.

"If you're good I'll get you an ice cream when we are done." Will whispered, and his head shot up.

"Promise?" He looked up at his dad, holding his pinky up.

"Promise." Will nodded, linking pinkies with him.

Finn grinned and turned around to the woman, settling into Will's knee and obiding with whatever was being said.

{Word Count 1168}

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