Chapter 16 - Comfort

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3rd Person

Will and Lucas both arrived at the Sinclair house, Finn and Val running to play with each other while Lucas and Will held back slightly, talking to each other.

"I'm gonna let you in, and then I'm talking to Mike. I'll let him know you're here and I'm gonna have a small talk with him." Lucas told Will, a small glint in his eyes.

"Thank you." Will smiled softly at him.

"You're my best friend, man. It's no problem." Lucas grinned, giving him a small hug.

Will smiled up at him, and Max opened the door, looking over at Will with concern.

"Come on, we need to talk." She sighed, and Will detached from the hug, walking over to her.

Lucas waved to them both and stormed over to the Wheeler house, not looking impressed.

Will walked into the house, following Max closely behind as she sent both of their children off to play. They ran off, letting them both go into Max and Lucas's room and Max turned to look at him.

"Are you okay?" She asked him gently, and he shook his head, his lips trembling as his eyes began to water.

"I'm sorry.." She whispered, pulling him into a hug.

Will melted into the hug, his heart breaking as everything seemed to hit him all at once. He let out loud sobs, his entire body shaking.

"I'm so sorry, Will." She sighed, rubbing his back gently.

"I-I don't understand what I did? I-I've tried everything!" Will wailed, his voice breaking.

"It isn't your fault. It's entirely his fault. He's just a dick." Max tried, but Will still tried to defend him.

"No, I-I must have done somethi-" He stuttered.

"Stop defending him, Will." Max warned, not wanting him to spiral again.

"But I love him, it's not fair.." Will sobbed, burying his head into Max's chest.

She sighed softly and continued to comfort him, her heart breaking slightly as she watched her best friend fall apart.

(With Lucas and Mike)

Lucas stormes over to the Wheeler house, glad that they were almost neighbours, and he knocked quite aggressively on the door. After about a minute, Mike opened the door, obviously startled.

"Let's. Talk." Lucas spoke angrily, inviting himself in.

"Not the tim-" Mike tried, but Lucas just rolled his eyes as Mike closes the door behind him.

"You fucking cheated on Will!? Are you serious Mike!" Lucas yelled at him, and Mike's eyes begin to go glassy.

"I didn't fucking cheat on him! What the hell has he been telling you!?" Mike fired back, his voice trembling slightly.

"I saw him crying because he didn't want to believe that his own husband cheated on him!" Lucas scowled, and Mike glared at him.

"I didn't. Fucking. Cheat on him." He spoke slowly, almost as if he was talking to a child.

"Well then why is he saying you did?" Lucas raised his eyebrows in a mocking way.

"Because El has told Max that we like fucking hooked up or something, and then Max told Will and then Will's told you but it's not fucking true! Why don't you believe me!?" Mike fired, genuinely upset that nobody believed him.

"Because Max has told me about your arguments! And something that was mentioned was that you were texting El!" Lucas laughed sarcastically, pissed off at Mike.

"Are you being serious right now." Mike looked at him, wiping away a tear that had fell down his face.

"Obviously." Lucas raised his eyebrows, pulling a face.

"You believe Eleven over me?" Mike questioned him again, and Lucas began to doubt himself, before remembering the heart broken look on Will's face.

"Yes." He confirmed, although something felt wrong.

Mike looked at him for a minute, before beginning to cry, collapsing onto his couch. Lucas's eyes widened and he stood there in shock, not knowing what to do.

"Get out. Just get out." Mike sobbed into his hands, his voice muffled.

"Wh-.. I don't want to leave you like this." Lucas sighed, sitting down next to him.

Mike continued to sob into his hands, not bothering to look up at Lucas, and be began to worry Lucas.

"I didn't fucking do anything, she's lying." Mike kept repeating, his voice trembling as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Mike, why would she lie?" Lucas frowned, still unsure whether to believe the boy.

"I don't know but I didn't do anything!" Mike yelled at him, not meaning to lash out.

Lucas flinched, about to yell back at Mike, when he saw how upset he looked. There was tears streaming down his face, his eyes were swollen and red, his mouth occasionally letting out a small sob.

"Come here." Lucas sighed softly, pulling Mike into a hug.

Mike collapsed into Lucas, letting out loud sobs as Lucas held him gently, trying to calm him down.

"I didn't do anything. She's lying I swear.." Mike sobbed, his voice cracking and breaking.

"I believe you, it's okay." Lucas whispered, using his hand to gently rub Mike's back.

Lucas felt something vibrate in gus pocket and looked down to see a message from Max on his phone.

Max 💕

"Come over, Will's a mess"

"Can't, Mike's with me"

"You're staying with a cheater?"

"I don't believe he cheated. There's something wrong because if he did there's no way he'd react the way he did."

"Why what's going on??"

"He's had a breakdown."

Everything was silent on Max's end for a minute, before he got a text back from her.

Max 💕

"Should I bring Will over?"

"No, we need to figure out what's going on, something isn't right. I'm telling you."

"Well where does Will sleep?? Finn won't be happy about this and neither will Will. You know he hates being away from Finn"

"Fine, bring him over. Just don't try and make him talk to Mike because it will definitely not go well"

"Alright, love you"

"I love you too :)"

{Word Count: 998}

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