Chapter 21 - Back at home

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3rd Person

They all stepped into the house and Finn instantly ran to his room to go and grab his dinosaur, making Will chuckle softly. He closed the door behind everyone and took off his shoes, placing them next to Mike's slightly bigger ones.

Finn skipped back out of his room, a big grin on his face, and he ran over to Mike who was now sat on the couch with an un-readable expression on his face.

"Look! I got my dinosaur back!" Finn held up his dinosaur proudly.

"I know!" Mike's face broke into a smile, and Finn grinned.

"I snuggle with you?" He asked shyly, and Mike laughed softly.

"Of course, come on." Mike smiled softly at him.

Mike scooped Finn up and set him on his lap, the small boy snuggling his head into his dad's chest. Mike wrapped his arms around the young boy, gently stroking his head.

"I miss you." Finn sighed, and Mike's face fell slightly.

"I know, I missed you too." Mike smiled sadly down at his son, and Will came and sat down next to them both with a fresh bottle of milk for drea.

"Hi daddy." Finn grinned, giving him a small wave.

"Hi." Will laughed softly as he began to feed Drea.

Finn began to chatter away about how much fun it was at the Sinclair house because Max and Lucas weren't as strict as Will was, making Mike laugh.

"Max let me have ice-cream before dinner! On school night!" Finn told them, and Will scoffed.

"Wow, remind me to never let Max babysit our children ever again." Will rolled his eyes, and Finn frowned.

"No, I see Max tomorrow." He told Will, who raised his eyebrows.

"And why do you think that?" Will questioned.

"Because Val come round for a play date!" He grinned, and Will looked over at Mike who shrugged and nodded, making Finn cheer.

"Jesus why do I even ask for your help." Will muttered, and Mike scoffed.

"Well I don't want him to be sad." Mike smiled sheepishly.

"If you say no I will be sad daddy." Finn pouted, and Will raised his eyebrows.

"I'll call Max." Will rolled his eyes, picking up his phone.

Finn cheered and gave Mike a big high five, making Will smile. He dialed Max's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey, what's up?" Max's voice came through the phone.

"Can Valerie come over tomorrow?" Will sighed.

"Yeah, of course. Should I come over too?" Max questioned.

"Yeah, sure. You and Lucas can both come round." Will shrugged, and he heard Max telling Lucas about the plans for tomorrow.

"Cool! We'll be round tomorrow!" Max grinned.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow." Will laughed softly.

"Bye." Max giggled before ending the call.

Will had noticed how quiet it had become in the house and he looked over to see Finn not with Mike anymore. Mike was now feeding Drea who was almost asleep, making Will frown.

"Where's Finn?" He asked his husband, making Mike look up.

"He said he wants to try and put his pajamas on, apparently Max helped him learn." Mike shrugged, and Will scoffed.

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