SEVEN ; the opposite of a warm welcome

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     Happy the Dragon was officially the coolest (and only) dragon that Eileen had ever ridden in her life.

     Up high, the air was frigid; but Festus generated so much heat that it was almost like they were in their own protective bubble. Build in heaters and all. The grooves in his back had specialised built-in saddles, so even though they were sitting on a hunk of metal, they weren't uncomfortable at all. Leo showed them how to hook their feet their feet into chinks in the dragon's armor, and use the leather harnesses concealed under the exterior plating like the seat belts on a aeroplane. They sat in single file: Leo in the front, then Eileen, then Piper, then Jason. The gentle roll of Festus's body as they glided close to the clouds was enough to make Eileen feel a little queasy. Thankfully, if she focused on the horizon, it was easy enough to ignore.

     Leo used the reins to steer the dragon through the skies like he had been doing it all his life. The metal wings sounded vaguely like coins tumbling down a coin slot and worked perfectly, and soon the coast of Long Island was just a hazy line far behind them. They shot over Connecticut and climbed into the grey winter clouds.

     Leo grinned back at them. "Cool, right?"

     "What if we get spotted?" Piper asked.

     Eileen had been wondering the same thing. It wasn't every day a copper dragon and his four teenage passengers went for a cruise up in the air.

     "The Mist," Jason answered. "It keeps mortals from seeing magic things. If they spot us, they'll probably mistake us for a small plan or something."

     Eileen glanced over her shoulder. "Are you sure?"

     "No," he admitted. Then Eileen caught sight of what looked like a photo in his hand - the fleeting image of a girl with dark hair - before he stuffed it in his pocket. "We're making good time."

     Eileen didn't have to ask to know what Piper was thinking. If Jason really wasn't who they had all thought he was, what else didn't they know about him? Who was the girl? A family member? Past friend? Some secret girlfriend? Eileen reached back and gave Piper's hand what she hoped was a comforting squeeze.

     "Where are we heading?" Piper asked.

     "To find the god of the North Wind," Jason said. "And chase some storm spirits."

     They flew in silence for a while as the morning set in fully on the waking world. Far below them, cars congested the streets like a colony of tiny ants as mortals set off for work. Eileen hoped that none of them would look up - small plane or not, there would for sure be some disturbances raised. Piper seemed lost in her thoughts. Jason, knowing him, was probably trying to think up their plan of attack - after all, they weren't exactly sure where this all-powerful queen of the gods could be being kept. Leo remained unusually silent; his fingers clamped firmly around the reins.

     "Shut up, me," Leo said suddenly.

     "What?" Piper asked, at the same time Eileen said, "Pardon?"

     "Nothing," Leo said, "long night. I think I'm hallucinating. It's cool."

     Eileen wasn't sure she liked the idea of a half-dead, hallucinating dragon flyer. Judging by the dead silence behind her, she assumed her friends were thinking the same.

     "Just joking," Leo said. "So, what's the plan, bro? You said something about catching wind, or breaking wind, or something?"

     Eileen poked Leo in the back. Only he would make a fart joke at a time like this.

𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 (𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨'𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐎𝐥𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐮𝐬)Where stories live. Discover now