02 'A Glimpse of Hope'

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Upon exiting the bus, she quickly proceeds to her locker, collects her belongings, and makes her way to her class..

However, on her way, she encountered some girls who were the school's popular group, and unfortunately, she had the misfortune of seeing them.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here!" Said one of the girls, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Isn't it the garbage bag?" Another girl chimed in.

"Oh my, I've never seen a garbage bag walking!" one of them exclaimed.

"Let me take my phone and capture this, so people won't miss this amusing view!" They all burst out laughing together, their eyes fixed on her.

Eva didn't let their taunts get to her and continued on her way, but the girls had other plans. They tripped her, sending her crashing to the cold floor, and she landed hard, skinning her knee and causing it to bleed.

"Oh look, the poor garbage bag's knee is bleeding." They said as they snapped photos of her and posted them online, mocking her further.

She carefully gets up from the floor and starts walking to her nurse room to clean up her wound. Leaving the gossiping girls behind.

After getting her knee bandaged, Eva went to her class, where the teacher already started her lessons.

"Excuse me, mam, can i come in?" Eva asked the teacher, trying to ignore her burning sensation in her knees.

"Oh, Eva! Why are you late?"

"I just had some work, Miss."

"Okay, don't do it next time, come in." The teacher said kindly, smiling to her.

Out of all the people there, the teacher was the only one she loved and trusted.

She thanked her teacher and entered the class, but the moment she stepped in, everyone started humiliating her by throwing crumpled papers, calling her names, and gossiping.

She was exhausted from enduring this daily torment. Although she tried to ignore it, she couldn't help but feel hurt by the constant barrage of cruelty from her peers, who seemed to take pleasure in belittling her despite her knowing she had done nothing to provoke them.

The teacher sternly told the class to be quiet and began her lesson, bringing a sense of relief to the tense atmosphere. The chatter and snickering gradually subsided as the students reluctantly turned their attention to the day's instruction.

After two periods end, the break starts.

She stepped into the washroom and gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Her face and eyes were red and puffy, making her look like a ghost to herself. She sighed, washed her face, and splashed some water on her eyes to reduce the swelling. Feeling slightly better, she took a deep breath and returned to her class.

She laid her head on the desk, feeling drained and exhausted from the morning's events, and remained there until the break ended, trying to summon the strength to face the rest of the day.

As the break concluded, the teacher and students began returning to the classroom, their chatter and footsteps signaling the end of the brief respite. The teacher resumed her position at the front of the room, while the students took their seats, their conversations gradually subsiding as the teacher starts speaking.

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