03 'An unlikely friendship'

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"Hey, can you accompany me to lunch? I haven't found my friends here yet, please. And I still don't know how this school works." The boy asked her during class, just minutes before the bell was about to ring, signaling the start of lunch.

"I'm sorry, but-" he cut her of, his eyes pleading, "Please don't say 'no', i don't know anyone else here, please!" He said, his adorable face scrunched up in a pleading expression, as if trying his utmost to prevent her from rejecting him.

"Oh, okay, I'll accompany you." She conceded, unable to resist the charm of his adorable face and finding no compelling reason to decline his request.

"Oh my god, thank you so much!" He exclaimed, grasping both her hands in his and shaking them enthusiastically.

Oh, he is cute.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the class, he eagerly urged her to hurry up, his hunger getting the better of him.

"Hey, c'mon, I'm starving, let's go!" he said.

She, however, was more concerned with packing up her belongings, carefully gathering her books, notes, and pens into her bag.

"Some minutes, please," she requested, her hands moving swiftly and methodically as she organized her things.

"Oh, you can do that later, now come with me." He said, his words accompanied by a gentle tug on her arm. He dragged her out of the classroom, his enthusiasm getting the better of him.

Once they reached the hallway, he stopped and turned to her with a sheepish grin. "Now take me to the Canteen," he requested, his eyes sparkling with a playful glint.

She couldn't help but laugh at his antics, his energy infectious and endearing.


As they arrived at the canteen, the aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, mingling with the hum of conversation and the clinking of utensils on plates. "You can find your friends here," she said, scanning the bustling canteen with a sweep of her eyes. "They'll probably be here since everyone comes here for lunch." The warm glow of the overhead lights reflected off the polished tables, and the gentle bustle of the crowd created a cozy atmosphere. "I'm going to leave now," she added, her voice barely rising above the gentle din.

"Hey, where are you going!? I thought you'd stick with me for lunch, since I asked you to," he said, his voice laced with a playful whine. "I mean, everyone else is abandoning me too - my friends are MIA, and now you're bailing on me? It's like, I'm invisible!" He exaggeratedly wiped away fake tears, his eyes sparkling with humor. "The world is so cruel, leaving a guy to eat alone!"

Oh gosh!, what's up with him.

Having no choice, she agreed to stay with him. After collecting their lunch, they made their way to a cozy table in the corner of the canteen, where they could eat and keep an eye out for his friends, who were still nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, you can start eating, you don't have to wait for me." He said, noticing she was waiting for him to start.

"Oh, it's okay," she reassured.

"In that case, let's wait for the others," he said, pleased that they could all dine together.

"Yes, that's best," Eva replied, smiling in agreement.

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