Chapter 8

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Travis was a pretentious dick. And that's why he intrigued me. He equally made me extremely frustrated. But he reminded me of an old friend. 

I used to have a neighbor that lived next to my trailer. I met him the day after his dad died. He pickpocketed a pack of cigarettes from my coat in which i caught him. He single handedly ruined my day after that. I had never heard such a nauseatingly true verbal assault from a stranger. So much so i released my grip on him and let him take the $6.99 i had just spent. Two weeks later i saw him again at my front door. He apologized and handed me a new pack of cigarettes. We became very close after this. We had a lot to relate on. We became a fundamental point of support for one another. Until about 6 months later. In which i never saw or heard from him again. I assumed he had moved. His trailer was empty. His sisters gone too. It took me a very long time after this to let someone new so close into my life. That person being Van.

Travis was hurting and with this he was hurting those around him. But i couldn't help my endless sympathy for him despite his cruel actions as he turned the gun he was holding towards Jackie. All the girls yelled defense as i moved swiftly to Travis' side pushing the gun down.

"Don't ever do that again Martinez." Coach finalized before Travis handed me the gun shouldering me as he passed. I rolled my eyes before taking my stance, pointing the weapon out towards the woods. The coin was placed. I pulled the trigger. It stayed. Many applauded as i was the first girl to do it and i smiled briefly.

Soon i was sentenced to time with Travis. Coach handed me the gun and we were sent to hunt. I wasn't incredibly happy with the arrangement. Though i was softer with Travis than the other girls it didn't change the fact that he was unstable and unpredictable. And to be left in the woods with a gun and the boy that had berated me only minutes ago for not missing the cans was an unsettling thought. Another reason coach had given me the gun and not Travis. And another reason why Travis was yelling.

Nevertheless after about an hour of walking in silence we stumbled upon the crash sight. I realized quite quickly that this was by no means a mistake. Travis began to make his way purposefully to the graves and then searched for his dads tomb. He stopped briefly above it once found and then dropped to the ground, digging. I watched in horror. "Travis what the fuck are you doing?" I put my hand on his shoulder behind him to which his arm whipped back unexpectedly knocking me to the floor. I laid there for a moment my mouth gapped. I felt a glaze of water line my eyes with the utter desperation in his actions. "Travis...." I tried again. 

He stopped abruptly moments after i said this for a reason i didn't believe to do with me. I slowly made my way next him again. I looked to see his choked expression and then i followed his gaze down to his father's corpse. A gasp escaped me. "I- I can't...." He trailed off. "What are you talking about Travis!" My voice trembled and came out with more aggression than i intended. He threw his head back seemingly to avoid getting sick as held down a gag. He never looked back down or to me. He kept himself safely staring to the sky. "There's a ring on my father's finger. I was trying to get it." he paused "For Javi."

I gulped before exhaling sharply. I began to clear the dirt around Mr. Martinez's arm before finally finding his hand. I didn't see it. My face scrunched in agony with the newfound knowledge of the elongated task. And then I began to do the same on his other arm. This time i found the engraved golden piece tight on his middle finger. Biting my bottom lip tightly i brought myself to grip at the ring, pulling on it forcefully, yet to no avail. "Fuck-" I let out under my breath. I thought for a moment and then i sighed. I pulled out my knife which Travis seemed to have seen out of his peripheral vision as his panicked voice grew sharp "What are you doing!". 

"It won't come off Travis." I defended. He only sighed and i accepted this as my permission. I winced as i grabbed hold of his cold hand and began to cut. My careful precision quickly grew to rapid strong slashes as i wished so dearly to be rid of the task. The limb came off and without looking at the now open side of the finger i freed the ring from it. "Here!" i let out turning my head away from Travis and away from the body. I waited for what felt like a very long moment before i felt the ring leave my trembling hand. With this, i got up, putting fair distance between me and the graves. I could hear his trailing footsteps behind me. I stopped finally, breathing heavily. I felt his close presence behind me. "Thank you Nat." He said earnestly and i could feel his breath ever so slightly hit the back of my ear. I straightened my shoulders. "Anytime." I said sarcastically before picking up the gun i had previously left against the tree.

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