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As the Death Eater doubled over in pain from my well-aimed kick, I didn't waste a second.

I bolted down the corridor, adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"MALFOY!" I called.

I knew there were three of them in the house, and they, of all the people in the house, were going to be the most gentle with me.

I sprinted around a corner, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I raced through the labyrinthine mansion.

Every door and corridor looked the same, and my panic threatened to overwhelm me.

As I continued to run, I heard the heavy footsteps of the Death Eater following closely behind, his rage fuelling his determination to catch me.

It was a race against time, and I was acutely aware of the dire consequences if he caught up to me.

Suddenly, I turned a corner and nearly collided with Lucius Malfoy, who was dressed in his signature robes, his blond hair not as immaculate as ever.

At once, I hid behind his tall figure, with an imploring expression.

"You filthy Mudblood!" The Death Eater raged, turning around the corner. "I will—"

He cut himself off, his words dying on his lips as he froze in his tracks upon seeing Malfoy standing before him.

"Lucius," The Death Eater said calmly.

"Rodolphus," Malfoy responded coldly.

"The girl...where is she?" He asked.

Malfoy stepped aside, revealing me as I was hugging myself, feeling dirty and vulnerable.

"Ah, there you are." He scoffed. "She escaped from the cellar, I'll bring her back."

The Death Eater moved aggressively, clearly intending to get to me, but Malfoy with an air of authority, blocked his path.

"Did she now, Lestrange?" Malfoy asked.

"Yes, she did." He retorted, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

Malfoy glanced at me and then turned back to the Death Eater. "Away with you. The girl's about thirty years younger than you, Lestrange."

Lestrange's eyes flickered with frustration, but he took a step back, still glowering at me as he retreated, leaving me alone with Draco's father who turned to me, with a stern expression.

"Explain yourself." He demanded, his gaze piercing.

"Pettigrew," I started, trying to keep my voice steady. "He brought me up here...for the bathroom."

Malfoy's eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of Pettigrew. "And I suppose he conveniently disappeared?" He questioned, his tone bordering on incredulous.

"I didn't escape the cellar, if that's what you think," I said at once. "I don't know where he went. I suppose he took orders from him to leave." I finished nervously, vaguely gesturing towards the direction the Death Eater had retreated.

The silence stretched between us as Malfoy considered my words.

Then, he turned his attention back to me, walking away. "Come along."

Without a word, I quickly followed him, keeping a short distance between us as we navigated through the maze-like manor.

As we were making our way back to the cellar, we encountered the British longhair cat wandering the corridor, its cream vanilla-coloured fur standing out against the dark, floor of the corridor.

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