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I cocked my head slightly, watching him intently.

There's something about the way the sunlight danced on Draco's features.

His eyes were closed, long lashes casting tiny crescents on his cheeks, and there was a contentment in his expression that only the lazy hum of a Saturday in July could bring.

The sun painted everything in a golden hue, the temperature pleasantly high yet tolerable.

Ted was immersed in his garden chores, meticulously tending to the vibrant flowers and lush greenery that brightened their homely garden.

Andromeda, meanwhile, was bustling in the heart of their home, the kitchen.

The delightful aroma of her cooking wafted through the open windows, mingling with the scent of freshly tilled soil and blooming flowers from the garden.

Lyra was likely tucked away in her room, and Nymphadora, who had returned in the wee hours of the morning from her meeting with Mad-Eye, was asleep.

And Draco and I, we were nestled together on a bench on the terrace, my legs tucked beneath me while he lounged comfortably, sitting with an easeful sprawl.

His farther arm was nonchalantly draped over the back of the bench.

Meanwhile, I held his other arm, my hand comfortably encircling his bicep, as his hand, resting in my lap, playfully engaged with mine.

I glanced at Draco again, his face softened by the warm glow of the sunlight. He seemed so far away, lost in his thoughts.

I squeezed his bicep gently, prompting him to open his eyes and turn his head towards me.

A soft smile graced his lips as he met my gaze.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked in a mild voice.

"About apologising to you," he said, looking me straight in the eyes.

"No..." I shook my head, understanding he was probably referring to last night's events. However, I believed no apology was necessary from his side.

"Yes, Amelia," he said, holding my gaze for a beat longer before finally voicing his thoughts, "About last night... I didn't mean what I said."

Confused, I asked, "What part didn't you mean?" My eyes flitted between his, seeking clarity.

He was quick to explain. "I said you're a mess. But that's not true."

I let out a soft scoff, countering, "But I am."

He corrected me, "You're not."

"Hard to believe that." I chuckled softly.

He insisted, his voice steady. "I know you're not...not any more, at least."

"Then why did you say it?" I probed, genuinely curious.

The answer came as a raw confession. "I was angry. Felt like I was robbed of my choice, yet again, and it's been a recurring theme, ever since I got my Mark... since my birth, actually."

"I promise to do better from now on," I expressed, my gaze instinctively drawn to his Mark, starkly visible beneath me.

Draco looked at me, his gaze intense but not unkind. "I appreciate that...and that's my job, too, because I really am sorry for last school year."

His words, sincere and heartfelt, brought a warmth to my cheeks.

"I know that you are," I murmured, my gaze softening.

My words hung in the air between us and for a moment, everything was silent.

His eyes fell upon my lips as I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, subtly shifting closer to him as I repositioned myself on the seat.

Promises Kept, Hearts Full of TrustWhere stories live. Discover now