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I nearly fell to the ground when my feet slammed hard onto the ground but Draco quickly caught me, preventing me from toppling over.

As Harry and Hagrid were hauling themselves to their feet, my hand instinctively began to seek out Draco's.

I wrapped my hand around his arm, trailing my fingers down to his hand where they intertwined with his.

There was absolutely no chance, not even the slightest possibility, that I would leave Draco's side, especially not in a house teeming with impassioned members of the Order.

We trailed behind Harry and Hagrid as we made our way to the Burrow, Mrs Weasley ready to welcome us.

A multitude of voices echoed from within the heart of the house.

Remus, Ginny, Nymphadora, Hermione, George, Kingsley...

All too soon my mind started racing with questions.

Would they do anything to me, or Draco? And who would do something to us? Do they have something planned?

Or am I going insane?

"Thank goodness you're alright," Mrs Weasley said, pulling Harry into a tight hug.

As Mrs Weasley released Harry, her gaze fell on Draco and me. Her eyes widened slightly, but she quickly smoothed her expression into one of warm welcome.

"It's good to see you two are safe as well," she said with a caring tone.

"Haven't go' any brandy, have yeh, Molly?" Hagrid asked a little shakily. "Fer medicinal purposes?"

"Right," she said, and with a swift turn of her heel, she hurried back inside, the four of us following her.

We moved further into the house, and I could see the others gathered in the living room.

Suddenly, I felt lightheaded. The adrenaline that had been coursing through my veins was starting to wear off, replaced by a dizzying fatigue.

I gripped Draco's hand tighter, hoping to ground myself.

There was happening too much.

George was sprawled out on the sofa, his face a mask of blood and grime.

Ginny, with her fiery hair streaming behind her, darted towards Harry. With a momentum driven by relief and worry, she flung herself into his arms.

The room was abuzz with hushed conversations. Nymphadora, Kingsley, and Remus were huddled together, their faces grave as they engaged in an intense discussion, their words punctuated with a sense of urgency.

Meanwhile, Ron, Fred, Hermione, Bill (whom I've seen before once in my life, last summer here at the Burrow), Fleur and Mr Weasley were busying themselves in helping Mrs Weasley.

Then, finally, their conversations quieted, the movements stopped, eyes cautiously studying Draco and me or looking in relief at Harry and Hagrid.

The silence that had befallen the room was deafening. It was as if everyone was holding their breath, waiting for something to break the silence.

Eventually it was Kingsley who finally stepped forward, his demeanour professional yet calming.

"I'm glad to see everyone here," he began. "Considering the circumstances, I'd say things went quite alright."

His gaze swept through the room, landing on each of us in turn but lingering a moment longer on Harry.

When his eyes met Draco's and mine, he gave an approving nod.

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