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The nap turned out to be just what I needed. I woke up feeling much better, my mind clearer and the headache a mere memory.

The tension that had been coiling tightly within me had loosened, leaving me feeling more centred and calm.

My mood lifted even further upon discovering that Petunia had been grocery shopping recently, as the freezer was fully stacked with various kinds of ice cream.

Draco and I settled down together, each with a bowl of ice cream, and began to work more on our plan, which was a daunting task, yet, the process was made bearable with Draco by my side, his presence offering a strong pillar of support.

As we delved deeper into the discussion, I explained to Draco what Remus meant by 'secure locations' and we soon concluded that we both preferred the House of Tonks.

While we were both aware that these plans were not foolproof, we were also realistic. We acknowledged the potential flaws.

What if Voldemort didn't allow Draco for us to escape again? To this, Draco simply stated that he'd escape with me either way.

His words were said with such conviction, so much resolve, that I couldn't help but believe him.

This was our plan, not perfect, but it was all we had.

As we sat there, working through the potential scenarios, and tweaking the plan where necessary, I felt a strange sense of peace.

There was fear, yes, but there was also a determination, a resolve to face whatever was to come.

By the time we went through everything, the Dursleys came home from work and school, and Draco and I retreated to my room, along with snacks and water for the coming hours, the door locked with magic.

I reached for his hand when I saw Draco moving in the direction of the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked at once.

He halted, looking down at me. "Just going to wash my hands."

"Okay," I said, letting go of his hand, "Hurry back."

"I will," he affirmed, effortlessly casting an Unlocking Charm without the need for a wand.

As I awaited his return, I immersed myself in the soothing task of organising my records, finding solace in the sense of order it brought to my thoughts.

Just like he said, Draco returned quickly and before he resettled on my desk chair that creaked at the slightest movement, he locked the door with magic.

Draco watched me for a while as I busied myself with my records. His gaze was soft, yet focused.

After a moment, he reached for one of the records lying near him.

His eyes studied the cover – 'I Want to Know What Love Is' by Foreigner. His brow furrowed slightly as he took in the title and the band's name.

I grinned a little as I watched him. That particular record held so many memories for me. I'd played it about a thousand times last summer...

"It's a good song," I said, breaking the silence.

His gaze flicked up to meet mine, a question in his eyes. "Really?" he asked, a teasing lilt to his voice.

I hummed in affirmation, the corners of my lips twitching upwards.

His gaze lingered on me for a moment longer before he turned his attention back to the record.

"Play it for me, will you?" Draco asked, handing me the record.

I blinked in surprise at his request, then smiled, feeling a soft warmth spread through me. "Of course," I replied, taking the record from him.

Promises Kept, Hearts Full of TrustWhere stories live. Discover now