Chapter 1

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Brooklyn, New York was home to many things but most importantly it was home to two college students named Abiola better known as Abi, and Maddy. their freshmen school year was finally done and both of them were cleaning out their dorm... well abi was... Abi was exhausted from this year and the cleaning, but something inside of her was just not ready to go back home. maybe I should take a summer class she thought, but why would I want to take out money to learn? abi sat on her bed and sighed. Just then Maddy barged in as excited as ever. "Girl!" she said with a smile on her face. "what? what?" Abi sat up from the bed and looked up at Maddy. "you'll never guess what I just found!" Maddy held up a red paper that looked like a flyer.

Abi stood up and snatched the paper out of Maddy's hand to get a better look. there it read "Camp Olympus Haven" Abi raised an eyebrow. "soooo what do you think?" Maddy said in a high-pitched voice. "well... I think this is a stupid fucking name for a camp" Abi laughed. Maddy rolled her eyes and snatched the paper back. "It's not a camp! it's more like a retreat for adults." "yeah rich adults, you see the prices on that thing." abi replied. "look it says we can take out a loan and they even provide scholarships." Maddy pointed to the paper.

"Are you insane! $14,000 loan for a trip is suicide!" abi yelled. "more like paradise, come on relaxation on a private island everything is provided and you get to meet all kinds of people! you might even find your future husband abi." Maddy smiled. "oh please, how do you even know it's legit, and they aren't just trying to scam you out of you're money?" abi snapped. "they provided an email and number right at the bottom here." she pointed again at the flyer. Abi shook her head and rolled her eyes. "oh come on abi! we both worked super hard this year we both know that we deserve this, especially you." Maddy said holding her hand. Abi thought for a moment and looked down, "Yeah I guess you're right." abi mumbled. "sooo is that a yes?" Maddy smiled showing her teeth. "no, it's an "ill think about it." abi said collecting her eyes off the bed and leaving the dorm. "where are you going?"

Maddy asked. "To call my mom and aunt and buy some more bins" Abi called back. Abi began walking out of the campus and it seemed like she just couldn't stop thinking about that stupid camp and listing all the things wrong with the city. As she waited for the bus stop she quickly dialed her mother's number on her phone. her mother and father remained in Nigeria, while Abi was currently living with her aunt or was staying with her aunt before school, her aunt is her guardian though she doesn't act like it.

"Hello?" her mother answered. "yes Mom it's me Abiola," she said with a smile on her face. "Abiola! My baby, it's so nice to hear your voice, been too long." she could hear her mother speaking and knew she was smiling. "how's school dear?" Her mother asked. "School is great we just finished out the year, it was tough but I did it!" she began kicking the pennies on the sidewalk. "that's wonderful I'm so proud! One day you will have to come back and visit again and your father and miss you." Abiola's face slowly turned sad as it marked a year since her brother had died. "oh Abiola I'm sorry dear I have to get back to work, you will call me? yes?" her mother asked. "yes of course! of course! I'll call you as soon as have time I promise! I love you!" she said. "I love you more my daughter."

Abi's mother hung up the phone. finally, the bus arrived, and all the passengers stepped on tapping their cards. when it came to abi her bus card declined loud and clear. she couldn't believe it she thought she had a couple of rides left, this was so embarrassing. abi looked up at the bus driver like a lost doe. the driver looked at her with a mug on his face. "get on! This is the first and last time, no free rides!" he said. "thank you." she went and grabbed a seat. honestly, the city sucked she closed her eyes and imagined what if would be like on a private island just as Maddy described.

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